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Entheos Academy – How to Land a Job With The Ultimate Employer! with Amanda Dennis

How to Land a Job With The Ultimate Employer.mp4
[WebRip – 1 MP4]



Your ProfessorAmanda Dennis dropped her corporate career and in NYC and moved to Hawaii. Highly spiritual, but not connected to any one religion, and aiming to operate beyond dogma and belief systems, she created PeleMa.TV.Class OverviewWhether or not you are aware of this, you already HAVE an employment contract with Source. We will discuss how to pull that contract into conscious awareness and use it to our Advantage.How to Land a Job With The Ultimate Employer!The Ultimate Employer always has jobs available, will not turn you down, will guide you every step of the way, will not berate you when you make a mistake, will make sure all of your needs are met, will not provide false promises, and has already given you all of the tools and talents you need in order to fully carry out all of your tasks. This employer offers full benefits of joy, fulfillment, abundance, creativity, and beauty in your life. Sounds like a good gig to me.We all came here with a mission and vision for our lives. This can be considered our employment contract with Source (God, Universe, the Presence, or whatever name resonates for you!) Even if we are unclear as to what this vision is now, we know somewhere deep inside that there is something we are here to do.No matter where you are at in your career or business life now, when you begin to shift your perspective from a person who “works for x, y, z” or has a business that “does x, y, and z” to being an employee of SOURCE, you will be able to use your career as a catapult for evolutionary growth resulting in more joy, fulfillment and TRUE abundance. You will find that you BECOME your vision and mission and you are able to step fully and powerfully into your role on this planet.Life provides many forums in which to work on our personal growth and evolution, and our careers (livelihood, businesses) provide ENDLESS content for us to work on! Working relationships can trigger us emotionally, survival fears abound as our work is normally tied to money, individual expression is challenged as we learn how step fully and confidently into our designated “station” on the planet, and the deeper we go on the path, we learn how to fully surrender to the wisdom in our hearts.Whether or not you are aware of this, you already HAVE an employment contract with Source. By implementing of these Top 10 Big Ideas you will pull that contract into conscious awareness. In doing this, you create the space needed for Source Energy to begin working through and as you. You become receptive to Divine Inspiration and surrender more fully to the grand unfoldment that is your life! Then, your career and life begin to transform from the “inside out” and one day you will be doing work that only previously existed in your dreams!The Top 10 Big Ideas    1    Say “Yes” to Using Your Unique Gifts and Talents to SERVE!    The Universe is simply waiting for your “YES” and a clear intention to let go of your fears, your limiting beliefs and your mental thought patterns that create an illusion of scarcity, lack and limitation.    You do not have to know the details of what you are saying “yes” to, you just have to know, deep within your heart, that you are ready to step more fully into your path and to use your unique gifts and talents to serve.    Sacred “YES” Example: “Universe, I am ready to step fully into my employment with you. I drop my limiting beliefs about what’s possible and surrender to the greatness, creativity, and beauty that is inside me and just waiting to emerge. I say “YES” to the ultimate vision for my life, to being of service, and I am ready to put the Divine Guidance I receive into action.”    2    Become Clear On Your “Why”    Why are you here? Why do you get up day in and day out and do what you do? Why do you think you came to the earth plane? What is it that you wanted to accomplish?    When we take the time to meditate on these questions, and excavate our “why” from the deep well of our Soul, we discover a sense of purpose that infuses our actions. This “why” replaces the old “carrots” we were chasing (money, status, security) and pulls us toward our ultimate expression in this lifetime. When we align to this overarching “why” we will NEVER burnout and the journey of our work will become a living example of purpose and inspiration.    3    Lead With the Heart and Let the Mind Follow    Studies show that far from being just a fluffy, discard-able, sentimental part of our being, the human heart emits the STRONGEST electromagnetic field in our body. In fact, the heart’s electromagnetic field is five thousand times stronger than the brain’s electromagnetic field. The heart has INTELLIGENCE that far surpasses that of the brain!    It is through the heart that we are connected to everything in our environment, to information that is not readily available to our conscious mind, and to Source. Therefore, one of the smartest things we can do is learn how to consider our heart the CEO and allow our minds to become our most useful “executive assistants!”    4    Create Space for Divine Inspiration    As a stellar employee of Source, you need to make sure you are creating SPACE to receive and follow instructions! Unless you are taking time to consciously go into the silence and access the wisdom of your heart, you will miss the clear guidance that is always there.        There are many “spiritual technologies” you can use to access your vision, mission and detailed instructions for divine right action.    Meditation, visioning, and shamanic journeying are a few of my favorites.    While in meditation, ask for guidance on next steps and priorities.    Consider this your daily, mandatory check-in with the “boss” and keep the space Sacred on your calendar!    5    Seize the Golden Opportunity That Exists in Your Current Work Situation    Most people find themselves going from one unsatisfying job situation to the next or stuck in a job mainly “for the paycheck.”    If you are unsatisfied in your career, this is merely a reflection of an underlying pattern that you either inherited or that has accumulated in this lifetime. If healed, you will attract upgraded career opportunities into your life instead of replaying the same old tired dynamics.    If there are circumstances that you are not 100% happy with in your career right now, you can ask yourself, “What is the underlying pattern that continues to play out in my career? What lessons am I to learn so I can liberate myself from this dynamic? I am ready to end these patterns now.”    Doing this exercise and following through on making DIFFERENT choices will position you to attract a new, more satisfying dynamic into your life. In essence, you are lining yourself up for the next big promotion and moving yourself closer to the work you know you came here to do.    6    Have an Identity Crisis    One of the most exciting aspects of working for Source is the dramatic twists and turns the path can take! You may think you are an accountant, an actor, or a good administrative assistant but there are latent talents and abilities within you that are just waiting to be birthed!    Let go of your attachment to who you think you are and allow the truth of who you are to emerge. You will fall in love with yourself over and over as you realize the depths of your capabilities and the limitlessness of your being.    7    Detach from Results     Thought precedes form and therefore, what we experience in our reality is the past, which has been created through our thought forms and resulting actions.    When we stress or overemphasize the importance of results (profits, promotions, “likes” or list size) we paradoxically push the desired results away from us. In order to bring about the results we want we shift the focus away from the results and onto the process (thoughts, feelings, actions) that create the type of outcome we want.    In this way, we truly begin to value the journey over the destination and the joy derived from this brings about exactly what we wanted in the first place!    8    Honor Your Body Temple as the Conduit for Divine Intelligence    Source does not require a “drug test” for employment but it is important to know that the energy of Source can only come through the openness that we provide. A body gummed up with toxic waste and accumulation and riddled with addiction to substances has little energy to allocate to the creative process.    If you want to make yourself available to inspiration, clarity, and focused action, begin honoring your body temple. Movement, detoxification and cleansing of the body open up channels through which powerful energy is able to flow.    Allow yourself to get some SUN! The sun holds within it vast amounts of intelligence – hiding from this source of information cuts you off from the Divine Flow – while opening up to it daily enables the creative spark to take root and saturate your cells.    9    Consider Exploring the Realms of Sacred Sexuality    Our sexual energy is potent enough to create a human being! Why not harness that same energy to create your next business, product or job opportunity? Whether or not you have a partner, this energy is available to you and when infused with love and intention can support your alignment with your highest expression.    Infuse your Mana (spirit) into everything you do.    Everything is energy – including every aspect of your business – the emails you write, phone calls you conduct, your website, the products you create, the services you provide, and the thoughts and intentions infused into every element of the work you do.    The energy behind all of these aspects is either coming from a place of spirit (love and expansion) or a place of ego (fear and lack) and this can be felt by those who are the recipients of your work.    Make a practice of consciously infusing your Mana or Spirit into everything you offer. Consider the work you do Sacred, regardless of whether you are in your “dream job” right now, as it is ALL an opportunity to spread more love into the world.    10    Learn to Move Toward Fear    We cannot wait for the absence of fear to begin truly living our life. Fear is there by design to give us an opportunity to transcend and evolve. Learning how to move toward fear, instead of running from it is one of the most empowering things we can do in our lives.    At every up-leveling along our business path, we will experience a new wave of fear (e.g. “Do I have what it takes? What if it doesn’t work? What will they think of me?”) What changes as we progress is our ability to look that fear in the face and say simply, “Fear, I see you, and I am going anyways!”    The “boss” is always there to hold us through these experiences and by going for our dreams despite our fear, we realize that we are always held, always guided, that the fear is just an illusion, and only LOVE exists on the other side.


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