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Entheos Academy – How to Innovate Like Edison with Michael Gelb

How To Innovate Like Edison.mp4
[WebRip – 1 MP4]



Class OverviewCan you learn to innovate like Edison? Yes! He held over 1,000 patents by the end of his life. In this class you’ll learn to apply his insights and harness your own innovative potential. (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!) Your ProfessorMichael J. Gelb is an internationally renowned author, speaker, and consultant who helps individuals and organizations worldwide find innovative solutions to their most important challenges.How to Innovate Like EdisonLeonardo Da Vinci was probably the most creative person who ever lived, but Thomas Edison was history’s greatest practical innovator. Beyond his invention of the phonograph, motion pictures and a system to light the world, Thomas Edison invented the rigorous, disciplined process of innovation. In addition to creating the world’s first Industrial Research and Development laboratory, Edison was also a master at promoting a culture of innovation. Moreover, he understood that the principles of personal success and organizational innovation go hand-in-hand. Personal success and fulfillment requires you to learn how to think like an innovator; and, for you and your organization to be successful, innovation is now more important than ever.  The Top 10 Big Ideas1Align Your Goals With Your Passions Edison’s ability to manifest his goals was predicated on his intuitive understanding of how the creative mind functions. You can assess and apply the same principles that he did; and, to make it easy, everything you need to know about goal manifestation is in the acronym: SMART EDISON: S – SpecificM – Measurable A – AccountableR – RelevantT – Timeline  E – EmotionalD – Decisive I – IntegratedS – SensoryO – Optimistic N – NOW2Be a Charismatic Optimist “Look on the bright side of everything.” – Edison Edison’s optimism created an irresistible magnetism that drew others toward him. He inspired confidence in others. Even when circumstances seemed dire, Edison was able to get people to buy into his optimism. According to Dr. Martin Seligman, author of Learned Optimism, optimists get better results than pessimists in most areas of life. There is no innovation without optimism, and optimism can be learned.3Pursue Rigorous objectivity The ability to consider data without prejudice is a distinguishing characteristic of great minds – this is a skill that can be cultivated using these 5 Phases:  Preparation: Clarify problem, collect data Generation: Quantity of ideas, no evaluation, humorIncubation: Take a break, sleep on itEvaluation: Angel, devil and judge Implementation: SMART EDISON4Think Kaleidoscopically Kaleidoscopic Thinking is the term for Edison’s extraordinarily approach to idea generation. One of the simplest and most powerful tools you can learn to improve your kaleidoscopic thinking skills is Mind Mapping: ‣Begin with a symbol/picture that represents your topic at the center of the page.‣Use key words.‣Connect the key words with lines radiating from your central image.‣Print your key words.‣Print one key word per line. ‣Print your key words on the lines and make the length of the word the same as the line it is on.‣Use colors, pictures, dimension, and codes for greater association and emphasis.5Balance Intensity and Relaxation “I never did a days work in my life, it was all fun.” – Edison Edison’s desire to work “with the least amount of friction” drove the unique culture he established in his workplace balancing high intensity and deep relaxation. Midnight lunches, practical jokes, singing silly songs, power napping, using one activity “as a relief from another,” and fishing with “a bait less hook” were all ways he allowed his mind to incubate the work of the day. 6Balance Seriousness and Humor “Maturity is often more absurd than youth.” – Edison Although profoundly serious about his work, Edison’s playful spirit was always poised to emerge. He knew the humor was essential to creativity, and that it helped make life worth living. Over seriousness is a warning sign of mediocrity and bureaucratic thinking. Playfulness allows you to maintain a broad perspective in the face of intense pressures and to transform stress into energy for high performance. 7Balance Simplicity and Complexity “Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient that which should not be done in the first place.”  – Peter Drucker Edison’s contemporary, Albert Einstein, said that, “Things should be made as simple as possible, not simpler.” If you watch a beginning juggler tossing three balls in the air, you’ll notice lots of extraneous movements. In comparison, when you watch a professional juggler, the first thing you’ll notice is that it looks easy! The professional uses the right amount of energy in the right place at the right time. To eliminate the unnecessary, you must have, as Edison did, a very strong awareness of your priorities.8Balance Solitude and Team “The best thinking has been done in solitude.  The worst has been done in turmoil.” -Thomas EdisonWhere are you physically located when you get your best ideas? In the shower? Resting in bed? Driving in the car? Walking in nature? It’s extremely rare for anyone to get their best ideas at work. Investment in solitude promotes well-being, creativity and energy. 9Pursue The Road Not Taken “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – R.W. Emerson Innovation demands the ability to think independently and act courageously. Edison often stood in opposition to “those who would profit by preservation of the old institutions.” He challenged conventional scientific thinking and explored roads not taken. 10Create an Unforgettable Market Moving Brand Edison’s skill at generating insights and linking his core competences with market gaps was complemented by a finely honed focus on tuning into his target audience. This made it possible for him to translate his inventions into innovations, and deliver high-quality products and services at an exceptional value. We will discuss how you can do the same for your brand.“If we all did the things we are capable of doing we would literally astound ourselves.” – Thomas Edison


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