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Entheos Academy – How to Become the Happiest Person You Know with Ozioma of BurnBright

How to Become the Happiest Person You Know.mp4
[WebRip – 1 MP4]



Class OverviewWhen we are happy, we light up from the inside out. However, maintaining a sense of joyful fulfillment day-to-day isn’t always easy. Ozioma will teach simple power practices to light up your world! (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!) Your ProfessorOzioma of BurnBright, is an internationally recognized speaker, writer and educator, CEO of BurnBright Lifeworks, Inc., teaches at Columbia University, and is the inventor of the International Day for Dreamers.How to Become the Happiest Person You KnowHappiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. ~Dalai Lama Most people believe that their lives must be perfect before they can be happy. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Happiness isn’t a destination that you arrive at once you’ve done your time in the purgatory of messy living. Happiness is a journey of harmonizing reality regardless of what you may be dealing with at the present moment. Abraham Lincoln expressed, “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” When we begin to deeply explore what it means to be happy, we find this to be true: happiness is a state of being that we consciously or unconsciously choose to walk into or resist and step around. This collection of transformational ideas has been curated with the sole purpose of helping you harmonize your current reality so that you can step into the joy and fulfillment that has been waiting for you all along. The Top 10 Big Ideas1Learn to Reframe Cognitive reframing is a way of seeing life experiences and the world in a way that leans toward generating more positive solutions and alternatives. Sometimes our default frame is set towards negative and limiting beliefs. Other times our default setting is fixed towards positive perspectives. When we positively reframe, we take control of our lens on the world and shift our perception, usually towards one that provides a more optimal vantage point from which to operate the current situation. We reframe all the time, especially whenever we choose to “look on the bright side,” or consciously choose to see the glass as half full rather than half empty. The key is to curate and cultivate a set of belief systems that see the world as working in your favor. Imagine living in a world where everything unfolding in the present moment is for your greater good—even if you can’t see it, or understand it at the moment. Once you begin to reframe situations in a way that supports every aspect of your existence, you will develop a habit of seeing the love that is available to you in every instant if you just decide to claim it.2Practice Aliveness It’s hard to be happy when you feel like you are dead inside. The contribution that aliveness makes towards our happiness is huge because it is all about what we open ourselves up to. When we open the doors and windows of life, vitality comes rushing in and with it joy, akin to the French word jouissance. Practicing aliveness is also about unlocking the doors inside and letting out the hurt, pain and shadows that we are doing our best to keep hidden. Whenever we cut ourselves off from the right we have to feel, we impact our inner joy. Before we know it, we have mummified ourselves. First we begin to go numb. Sooner or later, we don’t feel much of anything. Happiness is made richer through contrast. Pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin. The more we embrace our full range of emotions, the more joy we can absorb. 3Create a Formula for Fulfillment If we were to peel back all the material ideas of happiness, what would be left is a latticework of thoughts, feelings, emotions, values and beliefs. That’s because each one of us possesses an internal combination for what happiness means to us. It’s important to know what each key ingredient is, how much of it is required and in what order you value each happiness ingredient. Once you know your formula for fulfillment, you become the “master mixer” of your life. No matter what state or stage you are in, it’s important that you experiment with ways of bringing your formula for fulfillment to life. Find joy in the grand experiment. Celebrate the explosions, as well as the perfect formulations, knowing that the commitment to an inspired, fulfilling journey of mixing the internal and external reality of life is the key to what activates the joy.4Live and Let Go If you were to ask someone who lives in the land of happiness, more often than not, they have made a practice of letting go. They address issues in the moment and don’t let them fester. If they find that they are holding on to negative emotions, they dig up the pain and hurt and try to deal with it with the intention and desire of releasing the hold the emotion has on their joy. It is very hard to be happy when you are holding on to pain, anger and resentment. Letting go of attachments that no longer serve is an important part of stepping fully into the story that is your life and living your version of happily ever after.5Spiral up We all get down sometimes. It’s part of what it means to be human. However, what it means to be a happier human is to experience the low, but then use that energy to catapult you to the next vista where joy can be attained. This technique is the art of spiraling up. When we spiral up we explore a more positive trajectory. Most of us, once we experience a low or even a lull, immediately sadden. After sadness arrives, we get progressively worse, going down the windy path of feeling down-trodden. This happens, more often than not, because we are anticipating more negativity coming our way. The only way to interrupt the trajectory of the pattern is this: latch on to whatever positive thought is available at that particular moment and, like a magical balloon, allow it to transport us into a happier state of being, even if that positive thought is, “Well, at least it isn’t as bad as it could have been.” Latch on to a higher belief, a belief with more energy, and before you know it, you will soar. 6Express Gratitude A source of our unhappiness comes from falling out of the story of gratitude and into the one of entitlement. When we believe that we are entitled to certain things and forget to be grateful for things we do have, no matter if they are small or large, is where challenges begin to surface. Entitlement, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. We are all entitled to the most magnificent lives possible, but when we pursue that life, not against the backdrop of the beauty that is already present, or all that has been done for us in the past, we miss something important: that life is an accumulation of attitudes and events. When we express joy for what has been and what is, we create a solid foundation for happily creating what can be. 7Focus and Flow It’s very hard to BurnBright when you feel you are under a pile of rubble. Being overwhelmed is a big by-product of modern day living. A secret to embracing a happy life is to develop your focus on what will truly increase your joy and flow towards that. Most of us are scattered and flowing in all directions or, worse, flowing towards what we don’t want. Directing ourselves in a manner that increases joy based on the outcomes and ways of living joyfully into the world we desire is how we maintain joy on a day-to-day basis. 8Don’t compete. Complete If we are honest with ourselves, a great deal of what robs us of joy is that we are comparing ourselves to someone else. We are looking over at what others are doing, what they have, etc. Imagine if we took that same energy and applied it towards completing the projects and passions we hold dear. The biggest way to enhance and optimize our joy and become the happiest person we know is to jump with both feet into our own stories. The more you associate into your own reality you will find that there is a world waiting for you to enjoy it. You will also realize that life is happening to everyone, not just for or with some people.Life is happening for all people. The problem is that most people are not willing to be the protagonist of their own story because they have become used to being a supporting cast member or, worse yet, an extra in someone else’s, narrative. Completion enhances joy because life is made for growth and progress. 9Create Healthy Boundaries Everyone has their limits of what feels safe and comfortable for them. Many, however, do not express that or take a stand for what makes them feel good. They allow themselves to be imposed upon and trampled on. Well, that is a recipe for tossing joy out the window. Many people believe they live in a hostile world–like people are out to get them and the truth is that they just never set boundaries. Once they do, they realize that they had more power and agency than they thought they had and they become agents of fine-tuning their lives, as opposed to frowning on them. Creating healthy boundaries is very important on the journey towards greater joy because it allows you to get in touch with what will make your life work better. Every relationship has its lines of healthy boundaries. It’s up to you to find where they exist and honor them as they relate to others and yourself. 10Row, Row Row YOUR Boat “Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream. When we were children we had someone to take care of us and perhaps a great deal of happiness stemmed from having all our needs met. The truth is that a care-taking narrative still continues, except the story shifts. What some people never realize is that a great deal of joy can come from figuring out innovative ways of meeting our needs–learning to row our boats gently down the stream, realizing that life is but a dream. That enjoyment is greatly enhanced when, by doing so, we are able to positively contribute to the needs of others. Rowing our boats, merrily and gently down the stream, is one of the most powerful and enjoyable ways to live. Today, becoming the happiest person you know is about gathering the tools, resources, and know-how to live powerfully and fully in a world filled with an increasing level of complexity. In and of itself, no life is a tragedy, but what is tragic is never having made an effort to have your happily ever after. Happily ever after is available for all of us. Make up your mind, then make an effort to claim it.


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