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Entheos 2014 – Finding Your Life’s Calling audios with Renee Masur (13.mp3’s, 1.mp4, 1.html file set)

Finding Your Life’s Calling – audios



 en*theos presents                          Finding Your Life’s Calling                                         with                          Renee Masur and SokanuJoin 13 plus coaches, authors and scientists as they share what it means to be the most authentic version of yourself and how that leads to finding your life’s true calling.                         The Experts and Their Topics:Choosing Work that Gets you Excited and Helps the Worldwith Chela DavisonChela Davison is a Certified Integral Coach™ from Vancouver, Canada. She’s intent on shifting culture towards greater health through individual and collective awakening and growth. Her calling is aptly expressed when working with others around their deepest purpose and desire to evolve and to be of service. Chela started her first business in 2000, which she sold in 2008. Over those years she developed great capacity in communication and team building and facilitated workshops for entrepreneurship. She now works with entrepreneurs and leaders in various industries internationally. Chela brings warmth, insight and rigor to aiding her clients in creating the sustainable change they seek within themselves and the work they’re doing in the world. Chela’s articles have been featured on Huffington post, Elephant Journal, The Daily Love, Make the World Move, Integral Chicks and Beams and Struts. Chela is a mother. And she likes you.In this talk you‘ll learn:   • Identifying the Difference Between Personal Bliss and Instant Gratification   • Using Your Past as a Thread to Lead to Your Calling   • How to Serve Others while Following our BlissHow to Create a ‘Sexy Life’ with the Selfwith Tara CaffelleTara is a relationship and life coach with a passion for helping people create Big lives. She works with individuals and couples so that they can design and flourish in all areas of their lives like career, money, and family. She runs Big Life Coaching out of Vancouver, BC where she lives with her beloved Basset Hound, Baxter.In this talk you‘ll learn:   • What is a “Sexy Relationship”?   • What it feels like when we’ve found our calling.   • How Couples Can Work Together to Support One Another During the Busiest Times of their LivesHow to Elevate Your Baseline of Happinesswith Mark MansonMark Manson is an entrepreneur, author and world traveler. He writes about the psychology of modern life, culture, and often gives unconventional life advice at this talk you‘ll learn:   • Our Biggest Misconceptions about Finding Fulfillment   • What Role Fear Plays in our Work and Lives   • One of the Biggest Contributing Factors to our HappinessYou Don’t Have to Suffer While Pursuing Work You Lovewith Michelle WardMichelle Ward has one question for you: What do you want to be when you grow up? She’s answered that question for herself, and today she helps women transition out of soul-sucking jobs and into work that feels like play. You may have seen or heard her on Etsy, AOL Jobs, Newsweek, SXSW, Freelancers Union, Psychology Today, the Forbes Top 100 Websites for your Career list or 100+ other media outlets. Her first published book, The Declaration of You, was co-written with the artist Jessica Swift and can be found on real and virtual bookshelves everywhere. Discover what you wanna be when you grow up at this talk you‘ll learn:   • How to Find Work that Feels like Play   • How to Make an Easeful Transition into Finding Work You Love   • You Don’t Have to Suffer While Pursuing Work You Love   • Building your New Career Plan with very Little RiskHow We Can Embody Our Passionwith Shoshana AlliceShoshana’s mission is to help people connect to their inner leaders so they can show up fully present in their minds and bodies. She’s a Certified Co-Active Coach with a Masters Degree in Human Systems Intervention. She supports conscious leaders to connect to the power and wisdom that lives within their bodies. She loves connecting with people and their ideas and values on a deeper level. For Shoshana, leadership is not what we do; it’s who we are being while we’re doing it.In this talk you‘ll learn:   • How your body can be a powerful ally in creating the life you want   • Practices for Being more Embodied   • Why we need to embrace our full range of emotions (not just happiness)How to Show Up as Your Most Authentic Selfwith Mike RobbinsMike Robbins is the author of three books, Focus on the Good Stuff and Be Yourself, Everyone Else is already Taken. His upcoming book Nothing Changes Until You Do will be released May 2014. He’s a sought-after keynote speaker who teaches people how to infuse their lives and businesses with authenticity and appreciation.In this talk you‘ll learn:   • What are Our Personas and How do They Hold Us Back?   • Letting Ourselves Feel Vulnerable   • The 7 Steps of Moving Through our FearsThe Invaluable Benefit of Feeling “Stuck”with Joe WilnerJoe is a life-transition coach and a licensed psychotherapist who helps young and middle aged adults make lasting change and navigate life transitions. The clients he works with often feel not enough, unappreciated, separate and trapped by their circumstances. His customized coaching program allows participants to live from their purpose and wholeness where they are thriving on all levels – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Joe is an avid meditator, an advisory board member for the American Institute of Health Care Professionals (AIHCP), and is a certified meditation instructor. He is also the creator and editor of the personal development blog Shake off the Grind, that helps people thrive when they’re up and survive when they’re down.In this talk you‘ll learn:   • Why Plateaus are a Necessary Part of our Development   • How to Keep Momentum Going Once we Begin a Positive Change   • How to Identify When We’re on the Right PathHow We Can All Show Up as Leaders and Find Work We Lovewith Tricia HollyerTricia Hollyer is owner of the coaching and consulting firm, Compassionate Leadership and founder of Brave Leaps. She is an expert in people strategy, leadership, and building highly engaged workplace cultures.In this talk you‘ll learn:   • Some Practical Advice for Figuring out your Purpose   • How Purpose and Vision are Inextricably Linked   • Why We Need to Figure Out How We Want to Feel in our Daily LivesThe Key to Reaching Your Unique Potentialwith Robert Steven KaplanRobert S. Kaplan is Senior Associate Dean for External Relations and Martin Marshall Professor of Management Practice in Business Administration at Harvard Business School. He is also co-chairman of Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation, a global venture philanthropy firm, as well as chairman and a founding partner of Indaba Capital Management. Before joining Harvard in 2005, Kaplan was vice chairman of the Goldman Sachs Group with responsibilities for Global Investment Banking and Investment Management.In this talk you‘ll learn:   • How to get from GOOD work to GREAT work   • The indispensable value of building relationships   • Learn the two biggest pitfalls of reaching our potentialHow Perspective Helps Answer Your Life’s Big Questionswith Spencer ThompsonSpencer Thompson is the CEO of Sokanu, a social platform that matches people to careers. His mission is to help every person on the planet understand what makes them tick. He has spoken at Microsoft, SAP, and TiE, and sits on the board of VEF Momentum and other education startups. He is deeply interested in neuroscience, economics, culture, and design.In this talk you‘ll learn:   • How to Measure a Human Being   • How We’ve Already Won the “Ovarian Lottery” and What that Means for our Potential   • How Perspective Changes the Way We LiveLiving our Calling while Having Financial Freedomwith Kate NorthrupKate Northrup is a professional freedom seeker, creative entrepreneur, and author of the book Money: A Love Story. She created financial freedom for herself at the age of 28 through building a team of more than 1,000 wellness entrepreneurs in the network marketing industry. Her philosophy is that if you free yourself financially you can be fully present to your purpose on the planet. Find out more and download her free guide, The 5 Things You Gotta Do to Create Financial Freedom, at this talk you‘ll learn:   • Setting the right kind of goals that lead us to financial freedom   • The importance of recognizing our intrinsic value   • Treating our work (no matter what it is) like it’s our Calling could get us there fasterHow to Become Masters of Our Workwith Robert GreeneRobert Greene is an American author and speaker known for his books on strategy, power and seduction. He has written four international bestsellers: The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law. In our interview we discuss his latest book, Mastery.In this talk you‘ll learn:   • Strategies for Finding Our Life’s Task and Why We Must Find It   • The Apprenticeship: What We Should Be Doing   • Being a Little “Weird” is One of Our Best FeaturesHow We Can Shape Our Brains and Become More Content and Confidentwith Rick HansonRick Hanson, Ph.D., is a neuropsychologist and author of Hardwiring Happiness, Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom, and Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time. Founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom and Affiliate of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, he’s been an invited speaker at Oxford, Stanford, and Harvard, and taught in meditation centers worldwide.In this talk you‘ll learn:   • A Brief History of Why Humans are Naturally Negative   • How Positive (and Negative) Thoughts Shape Our Brains and How We Can Control Them   • How to “Take in the Good” to Feel Calm, Content, and ConfidentAbout Your HostRenee Masur with SokanuSokanu’s conference is being hosted by Renee Masur. Renee is a journalist who loves to listen and learn about people, their journeys and their insights on life. She works as a Community Manager at Sokanu, a Vancouver-based company whose mission is to connect people with the career they are meant to be in. By sharing people’s stories, either by video or on the written page, Renee hopes to help others develop a greater connection to the world.


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