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Emile Coue – Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion

Emile Coue – Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



SELF MASTERY THROUGH CONSCIOUS AUTOSUGGESTIONby Emile CouéCopyright 1922 by AMERICAN LIBRARY SERVICEContents: Thoughts and Precepts; Observations on What Autosuggestion Can Do; Education as it Ought to Be; A Survey of Seances; Letters From Patients Treated by Coue’s Methods; The Miracle Within; and more.In Coué’s authoritative book on Self Mastery, you get a work of real and unique value. After twenty years of scientific study, experimenting with thousands of people, Prof. Coué discovered a fundamental principle of life, and developed a “method” of controlling life’s greatest force.Emile Coué offers a number of practical suggestions for cognitive self-improvement in this very readable work.Discover the power of that method for yourself in this classic self-help work. A quote from the book:[page 14]From the numerous experiments that I havemade daily for twenty years, and which I have examinedwith minute care, I have been able to deduct the followingconclusions which I have summed up as laws1. When the will and the imagination are antagonistic,it is always the imagination which wins, without anyexception.2. In the conflict between the will and the imagination,the force of the imagination is in direct ratio to the squareof the will.3. When the will and the imagination are in agreement,one does not add to the other, but one is multiplied by theother.4. The imagination can be directed.


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