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Elvea Systems – Mayan Book of Wisdom Extended Pack 1

Elvea Systems – MBOW Pack 1 [120 MP3s]
[120 MP3s]



This is yet another awesome upload brought to you by the BrainGain Sequels group buy.  It is now closed.This….is one seriously hardcore set of self improvement MP3s.  It goes so deep, with so much customization in the benefits of each MP3, there is absolutely no way I could ever come close to summarizing it.  The picture files give you a description of each MP3.  Maybe taking everything awesome that h6 does, further specializing it down to very specific levels, and then turbocharging your brain on the benefits you want most starts to describe it.  With these guys you go in expecting a home run, and they always deliver.Below is a description I compiled from several pages on their site:Extending the Loom of Maya, the Mayan Book of Wisdom is designed to be a practical meditation system, facilitating in depth, sustained immersion into the Qualities of the 20 Archetypes of Universal Consciousness represented by and embodied in the Tzolkin. General meditation. Stress reduction. Consciousness attunement and brain rewiring, in accordance with the 20 Archetypes of Consciousness embodied in the Tzolkin.The Mayan Book of Wisdom (MBoW) concludes The Tzolkin Series. The MBoW is designed to be a practical meditation system, facilitating in depth immersion into the Qualities of the 20 Archetypes of Universal Consciousness represented by the Tzolkin. The fundamental purpose of MBoW is to facilitate robust, relatively quick, highly focused meditations on the Archetypes, for persons who are seeking to integrate the Tzolkin into their lives and for general meditation and wellness. Ideal for the lunch break escape, drive to or from work, your acupuncture or chiropractic appointment, the yoga class or simply as nurturing, wellness generating background music.Every element of the Tzolkin is paired. Each of the Tzolkin’s 20 Sacred Signs/Archetypes are paired. Each MBoW “leaf” embodies 13-minute acoustic translations of one pair of Archetypes, each the direct complement of the other. Listening to the Archetypes stimulates the brain to develop new neuronal connections in keeping with the Archetype’s attributes, thus facilitating the elevation of consciousness. Ideally, one will set aside time to listen to a pair of Archetypes in order to better align one’s neuronal network and consciousness with their complimentary Qualities. To assimilate these Qualities into your consciousness, we recommend 30-minute meditations, listening to the Sacred Sign pairs (with or without headphones) while pondering on their respective Qualities.General Use of the MBOWMaximum benefit from the MBoW can be gained by listening to a complimentary pair of Archetypes in a regular regimen, optimally upon awakening from the night’s sleep and as you’re going to sleep, for a minimum of 28 days before moving on to the next pair of Archetypes. Thus, you experience a much more penetrating and impressive MBOW meditation. (Alternately, you may just casually listen to the translations while you’re working or doing some other activity, receiving both the cognitive enhancement benefits inherent to all of the Tzolkin acoustic translations, along with a less intensive immersion into and benefits from the translations relative to Consciousness.)We hope these Tzolkin translations assist you in aligning yourself with the currents of Space/Time that progress Consciousness as well as in assimilating the 20 universal Archetypes of Consciousness into your personal experience and expression of Life.  


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