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Edgar Sulite – Lameco Eskrima – Lameco At The Vortex

Edgar Sulite – Lameco Eskrima – Lameco At The Vortex.avi
[ 1 VHS – Rip]


Classic Eskrima video. Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite dies in 1997The Lameco SystemIn 1981Edgar created the Lameco System of Eskrima. The name Lameco is actually three words joined together.La = Largo (long)me = Medio (Middle)co = Corto (close)All the ranges you will fall into in combat. Lameco uses primarily Double and single Stick, Double and single Dagger, Stick and Dagger, Sword, Staff, Handkerchief, and Empty Hands. Lameco Eskrima is a synthesis of five major and 6 minor systems of Eskrima.Edgar created training drills that he called Labon Laro (Play Fighting). Labon Laro would allow the practitioner to come as close to real combat as possible with out injury, it was also designed to make you get an uncountable number of repetitions in, in a short period of time. Following the theory “repetition is the key to success”. Edgar was always looking for unique training methods to improve Lameco. He devised training armor for the hand and forearms that let the practitioners train more realistically.This video contains the foundations of the system.


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