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Duane Packer – DaBen – Sanaya Roman – Orin – Opening to Channel: Connecting With Your Guide

[Webrip – 26 MP3s, 1 PDF]



Duane Packer – DaBen – Sanaya Roman – Orin – Opening to Channel:  Connecting With Your GuideNote:  This is a newly remade audio course by Sanaya and Duane, Orin and DaBen as of December, 2012!  This new course contains new meditations, new channeling inductions by DaBen, and information from Section 2 of the Opening to Channel book read by Sanaya. The earlier version of this course (C100) was completely remade and is being replaced by this new course (C101). However, the processes to learn how to channel are very similar to the earlier version and you do not need to order this course if you already have the earlier version. You may want to work instead with Orin’s Connecting with Your Guide, Receiving Clear Guidance (C201) course for all new meditations.Information about this course by Orin and DaBen, Sanaya and Duane: If you want to connect with a high-level guide and learn to channel, the exercises, guided meditations, and talks in this audio course by Orin and DaBen and Sanaya and Duane will help you to do so. They are based on the processes Orin and DaBen gave Sanaya and Duane for the Opening to Channel course written about in Section 2 of their Opening to Channel book.In this audio course, Orin and DaBen join their energy with yours to assist you in meeting and channeling your guide. Channeling is a skill that can be learned, and Sanaya and Duane have trained thousands of people how to channel using the processes contained in this audio course. You can work with this course if you have never before channeled your guide or higher self to meet your guide, learn how to get into a channeling state, and discover how to bring through information either by talking aloud or by receiving the information directly into your mind. You can learn ways to let go of doubts that you have really met a guide, and to gain more confidence in your channeling.Orin will guide you to:Learn a state of relaxation and concentration to assist you in channelingTune into life-force energy of plants and crystals as preparation for channelingAchieve channeling states of consciousness to open your channel to your guideMeet your guide mentally, and get your guide’s nameExplore your guide’s purpose in working with youChannel your guide verballyAsk questions of your guideGive yourself a readingGive a reading to other peopleChannel on the futureWork with your doubts to release themDaBen will lead you on processes to:Learn channeling states to deepen your connection to your guideTeach you more about how to hold the focus necessary to make and sustain a connectionHelp you prepare to meet your guide and get a verbal connectionTeach you more about channeling states and posture and how to open to higher and higher energiesSeveral short channeling state inductions to assist you in getting into a state of consciousness that will assist you in connecting with your guide. These states are progressive and lead you to more and more skill in making this connection. This is the album to start with you if you have little or no experience channeling. After you work with this album, whether or not you feel you have a good connection to your guide, you can move right on to Orin’s Receiving Clear Guidance album (C201) to work with doubts, fears, and questions about channeling, to strengthen your belief that you really are channeling, and to learn how to bring through useful, clear guidance that you can trust and take action on.Course contains 26 programs with 16 guided meditations, including channeling state inductions to use to bring through information from your guide, questions to ask your guide, and information from the Opening to Channel book, read by Sanaya.


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