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Dr. James N. Herndon – Personal Depression Therapy

Dr. James N. Herndon – Personal Depression Therapy [1 eBook – PDF].pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]


INTRODUCTION There are few of us who have not felt depressed at some time in our lives. In fact, most of us feel a little “down” once every month or two. Is this normal? Sure. When we mention the word “depression” to our friends or family, everyone seems to know what we’re talking about. How many times have you heard someone say: “Depression? What’s that?” It just doesn’t happen. But for an ever-increasing number of us, depression has another face. We don’t just feel a little sad or a little down. We feel as if our entire existence were disintegrating. This isn’t just depression. It’s severe depression. Sometimes it lasts for weeks, sometimes for months. It might suddenly go away¾only to return with renewed fury. For me, there’s no greater medical mystery than depression. Where does depression come from? What does it mean? It’s now as common as the common cold. There are dozens of new pills that are supposed to make it go away. There are dozens of therapies that try to talk us out of it. But the problem keeps getting worse. Some years ago, I decided to begin conducting my own depression research. Depression was a problem that touched people I knew, as well as people I loved. But the deeper I got into the traditional depression treatments (drugs and psychotherapy), the more I realized that only symptoms were being treated, not causes. I wanted to get down to basics, to that basic thing that produces the phenomenon we call depression. Well, my research continues. But I believe I have found that thing. I have now conducted over ten years of depression research. The result is a program called Personalized Depression Therapy (PDT). The PDT self-help therapy has worked for thousands of depression victims and I believe that the time has now arrived to make it widely and inexpensively available to the general public. PDT is different in significant ways from other depression treatments. Perhaps most importantly, PDT is an active therapy. Too often, depressed persons are led down a futile path by mental health professionals. The message is: “Just sit back, try this new anti-depressant, and we’ll see what happens.” And what is the depression sufferer supposed to do? Nothing. Exactly nothing.Most psychotherapy isn’t much better. “Let’s talk about your lousy childhood.” “Let’s explore that relationship that went bad.” “Tell me more about that impossible situation at work.” And what is the depressed person told to actually do to help fight her or his depression? Nothing—just endlessly analyze the past. Sorry, but that just doesn’t cut it anymore. Something’s not working¾and that something is the traditional way we treat depression. PDT was created to overcome the horribly passive nature of current depression therapies. My personal experience shows that only by taking personal charge of our own depression will we defeat it. If we’re waiting for someone to cure our depression for us—good luck. It’s going to be a very long wait. The purpose of this book is to show you a way to do something about your depression. It is designed to provide you with a new perspective on the origins of depression and what it really means—and then to show you a specific strategy that you can use to control and ultimately defeat your depression. PDT is a therapy that is intended to be self-help in the truest sense—and it is personalized because you personalize it. When it comes to depression therapy, one size does not fit all. Most PDT users have formerly taken, or are currently taking, anti-depressant drugs. At least 70% of depression sufferers who use anti-depressants find their drugs at least partially ineffective. One-half stop taking their medication completely. Recent research shows that a placebo (a pill that does nothing) relieves depression symptoms almost as well as real anti-depressants. However, I am not advocating that depressed persons throw their pills (or their psychotherapy) out the window. Anti-depressants are frequently a depressed person’s only lifeline, and although I believe they are ruthlessly over-prescribed, their value in many cases is clear. In fact, I caution those who are currently on anti-depressants to NEVER attempt to adjust their medication without careful consultation with their physicians. Although nearly half of the persons taking anti-depressants complain of side-effects, a sudden withdrawal from these drugs has the potential to produce significant, and potentially dangerous, withdrawal symptoms. So please discuss any desired change in your medication with your physician.In addition, I encourage any one currently under a doctor’s care to discuss PDT and to determine how it may become part of your overall treatment strategy. And if you’ve never seen a physician for your depression¾I strongly encourage you to see one. Depression is inseparable from a person’s overall physical health. A complete physical examination is a must. Finally, any thoughts of suicide are extremely serious. Never hesitate for one moment to seek immediate emergency medical assistance.I dedicate this book to the millions who have suffered from depression and to the millions who are suffering. May it come to an end. Dr. James N. Herndon Phoenix, Arizona, February, 2001


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