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Dr. Bruce Goldberg (hypno-therapist) – Access the Akashic Records

Dr. Bruce Goldberg (hypno-therapist) – Access the Akashic Records [1 MP3]
[1 MP3]



I while back I came across this and it made me curious. I haven’t tried it myself, cause I have been too busy restoring this session. I took out most of the noise and levelled out the volume and pasted it all into 1 track for easy listening. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best that I could make of it. On this track you will be guided in a hypnosis session by Dr. Bruce Goldberg in which he will lead you to your Akashic records. If anyone is willing to give this a try, let me know on how it went.This is the definition of the Akashic records that I have found:The Akashic Records are the repository of all human experience; past, present and future, a record of all events within the universe and are part of the Cosmic Mind.  These are found between the astral and mental worlds, part astral part mental and transcending, or permeating all dimensional realities or levels within the universe. They are a record of every thought and event that has ever occurred, will occur or could occur – just like a huge, infinite, mental history, picture book.  Jung’s Collective Unconscious is part of the Akashic records. However, the Akashic records are of a higher vibration than the Collective Unconscious. The vibrationary level of the Collective Unconscious relates to what is generally known as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd planes of the 7 Astral Planes model.  The Collective Unconscious relates to our reality and to the reality of spirit guides, our Higher Self, and other beings within the universe with have a similar vibratory rate as these planes of existence.  The Akashic records incorporate the consciousness (both personal and transpersonal) of all manifestations including angelic energies and so forth which vibrate at higher frequencies.  This Cosmic Mind permeates through the 4th, 5th , 6th and 7th levels of the Astral Planes. Above and beyond the 7 Astral planes are further dimensional realities and planes of existence that only highly evolved divine beings of light can access.  When you access and tune into the Akashic records, you will normally see those events with the greatest amount of energy around them.  If you look into the future and the area of probabilities within the records, you enter into a muddling combination of symbolism assimilated with actual events.  This future symbolism is manifested by the belief systems and prophecies of the major religions.Whether it is the Bible’s “Book of Revelations” or the prophecies of Nostradamus. These ancient prophecies are all richly steeped in symbolism.  This symbolism affects the way people think, dream about and access the future. This symbolism, in turn, manifests in the Akashic records as symbolic representations intertwined with actual future events.Here’s a list of the steps that he takes you through: 1.  Use any of the previous self-hypnosis or other exercises to relax and apply white light protection.  Lie down or sit in an easy chair, and when you are relaxed turn your attention inward and center it on the area of the third eye.   See it glow with a golden white radiance and feel it pulsate with energy.  As you do this, your realization of the sounds, colors, and temperature in the room around you should gradually fade, and as they do so the subtle psychic stirring will become more noticeable.2. At first, this may be only an impression of inner light or of brilliantly illuminated geometrical figures, or of stars shooting by in ordered procession, or some other visual appearance which will probably be meaningless. Or your first impression may be of sound, as I have previously described.3. Focus your mind, not on the Akashic records themselves, but on a specific historical event for your initial trails. For example, I suggest you study first the discovery of radium by Marie Curie or the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.4.  Your next step is to go to that historical event and ask yourself:  “What happed that afternoon?” If you have properly prepared yourself, you will find yourself drifting into a scenario-like dream.    In the earlier stages or your development you will not get clearly defined contacts that you can recognize as such, so don’t expect them. Accept the dream-like sequence that passes before your consciousness as you sit in reverie.  Remember what you observe and write it down as soon as possible thereafter.5. During these practice sessions your should “feel” this connection between your waking consciousness and the Akasha.  When this has been accomplished and you can recall an incident from the past as simply as you can look up an account in the encyclopedia, you are then ready to move on to next step.6.  The next step is to repeat the previous steps, omitting the preparation phase consisting of reading about the historical event.7.  Next, check your data with specialty books written about that event in detail, not merely an encyclopedia summary.8.  After successful completion of this step, move on to your own future.  Begin with a short range, say one week to a month.  Log all of your observations into a journal and occasionally verify the accuracy of your prophecies.9.  With a proven track record, you are now ready to venture much further ahead in time in your current life.  Try five years, ten years, fifty years, and so on.10.  You may move several hundred years into the future and explore future lives.  My book Past Lives–Future Lives (1988) and Soul Healing (1996) describe nearly twenty such cases as far forward as the thirty-eighth century!11.  Lastly, tap into the general Akasha and allow your consciousness to tune into future world events, inventions, lifestyle changes, and so on.


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