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Donna Eden, David Feinstein – 2018 Energies of Love Super Summit (360p), plus bonus audios [8 mp4, 4 mp3|

Donna Eden, David Feinstein – 2018 Energies of Love Super Summit (360p), plus bonus audios
[8 mp4, 4 mp3|


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! The Energies of Love Super Summit, with Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D. Days of Life-Altering Energy Based Techniques That Will Re-Ignite Your Passion, Increase Intimacy, And Deepen Your Connection With Your Partner! June 12 to 19, 2018 Description: Pre-event exercise:Try this helpful technique while you wait for episodes to start. Day 1 Discover the Invisible Keys to Extraordinary Love – How Your Energy Affects Your Relationship Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D. What you will discover in Day 1: – Watch renowned relationship and energy medicine experts, David Feinstein and Donna Eden, help a wide range of people discover the energy dynamics and potential of their significant relationships. – Learn secrets of nurturing vital relationships that most relationship counselors do not yet know. – Discover new aspects of yourself, your partner, and your shared potential. – Learn about your Sensory Type and how this may be affecting stress, communication, and the potential for joy in your relationship. – Use what you learn to begin enhancing important relationships at home, at work, and with family and friends. Day 2 Break Free of Unconscious Habits and Reconnect with Your Partner Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. and Margaret Horton with Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D. What you will discover in Day 2:- Epigenetics expert, Bruce Lipton, shares how energy and conscious affect your biology and relationship behaviors. – Watch Bruce, Margaret (his spouse), Donna, and David share their discoveries of what keeps love alive. – Learn tools that can help you transform your own relationship: How to disrupt an argument, re-center yourself, re-connect with one another, and resolve differences. – Learn how developing new habits supports personal and relationship transformation. – Find inspiration to lift your relationship to new heights. – Recognize your ability to create your own relationship “Heaven on Earth”. Day 3 Grow “Skills of Loving” to Nurture Your Partnership Dawson Church, Ph.D. and Christine Church with Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D. What you will discover in Day 3: – Relationship coach and energy psychologist, Dawson Church, shares insights on how your biochemistry and childhood experiences set the pattern for your current relationships. – Watch as Dawson, his wife Christine, Donna, and David share ‘skills of loving’ that can transform your relationships. – Break your stress addiction and get hooked on feeling good! – Change the ‘set points’ that suppress your potential, and experience new heights of joy in your partnership. – Learn to love and take care of yourself as you love and take care of your partner. – Use the insights of renowned energy medicine/psychologists (and extraordinary couples) to inspire transformation in yourself and your key relationships. – Apply “the skills of loving” to renew, deepen, and celebrate an extraordinary love. – Make your most significant partnership(s) a powerful pleasure zone! Day 4 “It’s not about the dishes…” Energetic Tools to Transform Conflict into Compassion Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D. What you will discover in Day 4: – Donna and David share their own relationship challenges, and how this led to their creation of practical energy medicine and energy psychology tools that you can use now to heal issues in your relationships. – Recognize how you and your partner affect each other energetically (for better or worse!). – Watch as Donna and David demonstrate the four steps of their STAR Pact to disrupt arguments and resolve relationship issues. – Learn quick energy exercises to calm and center yourself when you and your partner are at odds. – Practice ‘The Four Thumps’, ’The Wayne Cook Posture’, the Triple Warmer Smoothie, and a simple 6-word meditation to re-balance your own energies and develop a habit of calm. – Learn how to re-connect with your partner energetically. – Use sensory style understandings to communicate with your partner more effectively during tough encounters. – Watch David guide a couple to tap on and resolve relationship ‘triggers’ rooted in childhood experience and sensory style differences. – Uplift your partner and heal your relationships by re-balancing your own energies and dissolving your own automatic reactions. – Donna reveals one of the practices she and David use to nurture the spiritual aspects of their relationship. Day 5 Embrace Your Differences: Crossing the Great Divide of Otherness Jean Houston, Ph.D. with Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D. What you will discover in Day 5: – Join Jean Houston, pioneer of the human potential movement, to discover how changes in global myths, cultural norms, and social roles may create tension and opportunities for your relationships. – Hear Donna and David reveal their own relationship challenges, and how their differences generated the ‘Energies of Love’ book, EoL tools you can use, and an enduring love story. – Enjoy Donna’s description of how she sees the energies of love in a new relationship, and what happens as love matures. – Discover the universal energy and strength available through the sacrament of marriage… and the complexities, struggles, and opportunities that couples face as they marry today. – Appreciate the non-traditional marriage forms created by pioneering couples like Jean and her husband, and Donna and David. – Consider what your own new love story might be like in ‘a partnership society’. – Learn how ‘energies of love’ tools can transform your relationship … and relationships between the peoples and cultures of our planet. Day 6 Rise in Love: Experience Your Relationship as a Spiritual Journey Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. and Marcela Lobos with Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D. What you will discover in Day 6:- Contemporary shamans Dr. Alberto Villoldo and Marcela Lobos reveal shamanic practices and understandings that can heal and transform your relationship. – Learn how to listen to your spirit as you make relationship choices. – Discover the spiritual purpose and potential of a difficult partnership. – Use the chakra map to marriage to align key areas of your own relationship. – Learn how to keep the spiritual aspects of your love alive while dealing with the practical concerns of daily life. – Appreciate the ‘dark side’ of your relationship as your spirit’s invitation to grow. – Shift your beliefs about the physical and temporal limits of your relationship. Day 7 Rewrite Your Love Story: Going Forward Together to Create an Extraordinary Relationship Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D. What you will discover in Day 7: – Enjoy a demonstration of Donna and David’s Daily Ritual, and discover how a shared Daily Ritual can deepen conscious aspects of your partnership. – How your own intention and attitude can enliven your love. – Learn to establish shared goals that set the frame for personal challenge and growth. – Craft affirmations that work (they support your goal and act to initiate positive mental habits). – Identify unconscious beliefs (Tail-Enders) that limit the effectiveness of your affirmation. – Watch and practice an energy psychology protocol to overcome your Tail-Enders. – Practice the tools, build the skills, and use the wisdom available in the Summit to reach deeper levels of commitment, love, and consciousness in your own relationship. What People Are Saying “This is such inspiring conversation and sharing. Full of warmth and life, I can feel it physically. Thank you all, please keep teaching us how it works in ways that we can absorb And understand. Thank you Donna and David for putting this program together.”  — Josie Scholman “This is, by far, the most dynamic and informative teleconference that I have ever experienced. Thank you so much for sharing in such a sensitive manner. I really appreciate tangible and useable information that I can actually apply in my own life. You both are wonderful and it is so much fun to witness your difference and how you have blended the energies. I so resonate with Donna and her perspective in life.” — Bev Seitz “I have loved every moment of this summit – your work is exceptional and I have learned so much that is so incredibly value! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do to bring more love into this world in a practical, fun and extremely effective way and for demonstrating to us what a healthy and joyful relationship looks like!”  — Darcy Bluhm Bonus audios: 2018 The Energies of Love Super Summit Sign Up Bonuses Dawson ChurchDawson Church, PhD, is an award-winning author of the best-selling book, The Genie in Your Genes. He founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to study and implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical techniques. Dawson’s groundbreaking research has been published in prestigious scientific journals. He is editor of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, & Treatment. He shares how to apply energy psychology to health and athletic performance through EFT Universe. John GrayJohn Gray is the author of the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. USA Today listed his book as one of the top 10 most influential books of the last quarter century. In hardcover, it was the #1 bestselling book of the 1990s. Dr. Gray’s books are translated into approximately 45 languages in more than 100 countries and continues to be a bestseller. Arielle Ford Arielle Ford is a leading personality in the personal growth and contemporary spirituality movement. She is a celebrated love and relationship expert, speaker, and is the co-creator and co-host of Evolving Wisdom’s Art of Love series. Gregg Braden Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, and is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality and human potential. ~~~~~~~ NOTE: You can still sign up to watch the last 2 (or 3) episodes, if you want to save ratio! version here: ~~~~~~~


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