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Deborah King – Be A Modern Master

Deborah King – Be A Modern Master
[Webrip – 56 MP4’s, 57 MP3’s & 91 PDF’s]



This course is for everyone who’s looking to deepen the connection with their divine self and unlock the spiritual gifts and psychic abilities that they’re meant to have.Thousands of years ago, our ancestors had many spiritual abilities that we no longer have automatic access to, including telepathy, aura reading, precognition, and the ability to experience Divinity within their bodies.However, even though we share the same DNA as our ancestors, we have long forgotten these abilities.Each week, Deborah will reveal more secrets along the path of initiation, providing you with practical exercises and mystical tools that allow you to clear and balance your core energy so the sutras can be seeded in the fertile ground of your consciousness.You will learn    How the sutras work to clear out the buried emotions and past traumas that are holding your life force hostage, so you can get free — mentally, physically, and emotionally.    How to activate certain centers in the body that expand your spiritual potential.    How to find and use responsibly the spiritual gifts that start to manifest when you do the sutra practice.    How to invoke the high spiritual beings who are there to guide and protect you.    Why initiation is so important in your spiritual development.    Who you are within the spectrum of the 7 spiritual rays.WEEK 01 – Clearing Trauma with the Sutras, What are the Sutras?In the first week, you establish a ground by learning how to clear your internal and external space, and through your introduction to the ancient Hindu Vedas and to working with the sutras. Goddess Saraswati is invoked to prepare you to learn the practice. Then the first five sutras are seeded in you. These five sutras have the power to clear old trauma from your body. You also receive a guided reflection on silence and how to activate that special place of silence within you.WEEK 02 – The Foundation for the SutrasThe sutras need fertile ground to be well-seeded. That ground is provided by a regular spiritual practice that expands your consciousness and heightens your intuitive powers. Mantra work is explained and you learn what it means to enter the “gap.” You learn about releasing stress and dealing with distractions. After an ancient invocation to the Gods, three more sutras are seeded.WEEK 03 – The Gifts of the SutrasHere you’ll leap into the spiritual powers, the gifts of physical powers and psychic abilities that can be yours from a consistent sutra practice. You’ll learn about the possible misuse of the gifts and the five ways of acting ethically. You’ll hear about Deborah’s breakthrough experience of oneness. Then, she will invoke and honor the divinity within and without and seed the next three sutras in you.WEEK 04 – Initiation and the SutrasYou’ll learn all about the initiatory process, the way in which initiation and the sutras are connected, and why initiation is so important in the spiritual scheme of things. You’ll learn about the ego problems that can arise concerning initiation. You’ll hear about Deborah’s initiation into the Order of Melchizedek and learn about the Order. Then, she will again do the ancient invocation and seed in you the next seven sutras.WEEK 05 – More about Initiation — the Path of the SutrasIn this week, you’ll hear a story about the Hindu deities Shiva and Parvati, then you’ll experience your own Soul Star, the source of your spiritual strength and power. You’ll hear Deborah’s tale of initiation and all about “initiations of the threshold” — the starting point of the initiatory journey of transformation that ends in union with Source. The final two most powerful sutras will be seeded in you.WEEK 06 – The Journey of the SutrasIn the final installment, you’ll hear a teaching tale of two swamis, and learn the yogic practices of mudras (hand positions) and pranayama (breathing technique). You’ll explore the 7 spiritual rays of light and the Ascended Masters in charge of each ray and the connection of the rays to the levels of initiation. Then, the full 20 sutras will be reinforced in you. You are now all set for the magic of the sutras to unfold within you. You’ll also participate in The Great Invocation.Sales Page :


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