Private Library for Anything and Everything – Date Against The Machine (reduced version)

Date Against The Machine
[11 MP4s] (reduced version)



DescriptionHere’s some of what I’ll learn today:• Our most potent, easy to follow, 4-step formula from start to finish to meeting and attracting the most beautiful women, all during the day, without ever entering a bar or a nightclub.• Why even the most beautiful women who are usually unattainable at night have their guard down during the day and secretly want to be approached by you.• Step-by-step demonstrations on how to stop a moving woman on the streets that is rejection-proof and makes you stand out from all the charity-salesmen/homeless people that typically try to stop her during the day.• The counter-intuitive yet most effective line to say  that will have the most beautiful women smiling within the first 10 seconds of approaching her.• Why everything you’ve been taught about attracting and dating women is all wrong (it’s not your fault). We’ll show you how to get the right mindset towards women so you magnetically and naturally attract women by being yourself.• How to create conversation out of thin air and have her think you’re the most interesting guy she’s ever met.• Simple eye Contact and body language tips to keep her engaged in the conversation.• A straightforward statement you can say that will get her to do most of the talking and will have her investing in you.• The single “filler” word you should respond with after she finishes talking. Hint: Saying “Cool! Awesome! Nice!” will drive her away. The word we’ll teach you to say will keep her hooked on you.• How to build rapport with her to make her feel like she’s known you for years within a few minutes and have her comfortable enough to hand you her number.• The best way to get her number hat comes across completely naturally and destroys the risk of having her saying no.• INFIELD FOOTAGE to accompany the entire training that are designed to accelerate the learning process for you and so you can see us demonstrate the techniques we teach you and see the women’s didnt have the infields let me know if everything is working perfectlyu still need to get the infields from the exclusive upload


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