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David DeAngelo – Interviews With Dating Gurus: Scot McKay (March 2007)

Interviews With Dating Gurus – Scot McKay
[1 CD (MP3)]



Latest “Interviews” release from David D.If you were to go out and ask 1000 women totell you the one physical trait a man absolutelyMUST have in order to get a date with her… it’sno secret that 99% of them would say HEIGHT.  I can’t tell you how many of my female friendshave told me that they flat out REFUSE to date aguy who is shorter than they are…  No matter how good he looks, how much money hemakes, or how much they like his personality…they just won’t do it. No way.  I don’t know about you… but hearing thisstuff my whole life kinda FREAKED ME OUT.  I’m not the tallest guy around, and in the pastI was always a little intimidated when I wouldmeet a woman who I didn’t have at least a coupleof inches on.  But over time… I’ve come to realize somethingthat has COMPLETELY changed the way I think aboutthis topic.  And here’s the good news:  If YOU are interested in dating women that arethe same height or taller than you are, and YOUcan learn to accept this fact… your success withwomen will improve DRAMATICALLY.  Here it is:  The statements that women make about not beingwilling to date a man who is shorter than they are- 99% of the time – ABSOLUTELY FALSE!  I’m absolutely serious.  Yes. most women SAY they want to date a man whois taller than them… but it is by NO MEANS a”rule”… and your height doesn’t EVER have to besomething that gets in the way of you dating thewomen you want.  I know this to be a fact, because some of thevery BEST guys I know with women happen to be WELLBELOW AVERAGE in height.  I now see this issue to be very similar to thatother age-old paradox…  How many women do you know that say they wantto date a NICE GUY?  Just as nearly every woman you ask will tellyou she must have a “nice guy”… nearly everywoman will tell you that she must have a TALL guyas well…  But when it comes to REALITY… ALL OF THISgoes OUT THE WINDOW.  I just finished up an amazing interview with aguy who is well below average in height… butalso experiences success with women that wouldmake any tall guy extremely jealous.  It’s important to note that his success is NOACCIDENT.  He’s not rich, doesn’t have women approachinghim based on his looks, and certainly isn’tfamous.  Instead, he’s figured out exactly what shortguys need to do DIFFERENTLY than their tallercounterparts in order to get the women theywant… and even give yourself an UNFAIR ADVANTAGEthat no guy, tall or small, can compete with.  And that’s just the beginning of what you’regoing to learn in this ground-breaking interview. Here are a few more of the secrets he shared:-  How to get a woman to feel as though you areher PROTECTOR (This is what a woman REALLY wantswhen she says she wants a tall man, because awoman feels this naturally around them. But if youwant to successfully attract a woman who is closeto your height or taller, THIS is the secret todoing it)-  2 Simple secrets to use when hugging a womanthat give you an INSTANT advantage over taller men-  A surefire way to get a woman to come over toyour house the very FIRST time you hang out thatactually gets her to ASK YOU if she can come over(My friend calls this his “nuclear weapon” formeeting women because it works so well… Iguarantee you’ll want to use this with every womanyou meet from now one!)-  The one sentence to put in your online profilethat will DOUBLE or TRIPLE the amount of women whoemail you-  A secret “move” to use after dinner that allbut GUARANTEES you will get physical with a womanthe very first time you hang out-  What to say to a woman RIGHT BEFORE you takeher out to ensure that your time together not onlygoes smoothly but is UNFORGETTABLE (Don’t besurprised if SHE is the one calling YOU the nextday when you do this)-  How to find and attract a HIGH QUALITY womanthat you can settle down with (Attracting thesespecial women requires some very DIFFERENT skillsand techniques… but fortunately they are EASY tolearn)-  How to make HER feel like SHE is the “luckyone” in the relationship (Do this when you firststart dating to get her to PURSUE YOU)-  What a guy in his 40’s or 50’s can do to datewomen who are in their 20’s-  The 4 factors a guy can get together in hislife that will instantly separate him from everyother man on the planet when it comes toattracting women (Do just these 4 things and youwill be SHOCKED at how women begin to respond toyou… even when you aren’t even TRYING to attractthem)-  A great line to use to start up a conversationwith a woman at a grocery store or any other placepeople go shopping that smoothly gets aconversation going nearly EVERY TIME-  An exercise to figure out the very BEST type ofwoman for you… so you never waste your time witha woman who doesn’t deserve you-  And much, much more…  As you can see, my friend delivered THE GOODS.  We also talked about how a guy can go from goodto AMAZING with women… so this interview isn’tjust for the guys who are starting out in this…  If you’re already good with women, listening towhat my friend has to say JUST ONCE will improveyour game significantly.


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