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Connie Podesta – Life Would Be Easy If It Weren’t For Other People

Connie Podesta – Life Would Be Easy.mp4
[1 MP4]


Connie Podesta Live – Life Would Be Easy If It Weren’t for Other PeopleAbout the ActorConnie Podesta is a leading international speaker, trainer, consultant, educator and Licensed Professional Counselor who works with all industries: Corporate/Business, Healthcare, Education and Government. With credentials like these, no wonder Connie’s programs are a guaranteed success! Connie is the author of three books: How To Be The Person Successful Companies Fight To Keep (co-authored by Jean Gatz), Life Would Be Easy If It Weren’t For Other People and Self Esteem and The Six Second Secret. With a Bachelors degree in Speech and Communications and a Masters degree in Human Relations, Connie has the credentials, experience and insight to help your organization grow and stay competitive in the world today. Product DescriptionWhen you get to work in the morning, is it where you want to be? And when you go home at night, is that where you feel good and safe? Being able to answer yes to both questions is the key to happiness, success and wealth, according to therapist and comedian Connie Podesta. With a little humor and lots of insight, Connie offers ideas on how to know and understand yourself to improve relationships with significant others, raise children that are hardworking, respectful and compassionate people, make the right choices to have healthy relationships and healthy bodies and feel good about yourself in the presence of others from work to home.…


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