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Christopher Westra – Creating Reality Holographically

ICreate Reality
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Hi Guys Lancelot Here , here you have two amazing ebooks i create reality and HolographicTime a  $28.19 value so enjoy it! and use it to create your own reality.Start to consciously create your reality today. “How You Can Use  HOLOGRAPHIC CREATION to Easily Manifest Your Desires, even if you lack Visualizing Skills.”  Creating Reality Holographically is BEYOND VISUALIZATION!By Purchasing I Create Reality, you get…Hope and Enthusiasm back into your life!  Confidence that your personal creations are growing. The freedom to live the life you’ve always wanted.  A new self-image that expands your goals and dreams.  Increased energy and zest for living.   The practical methods to create what you want!A Step by Step Holographic Creation Sheet to increase your discipline and focus.Wouldn’t it be amazing to MANIFEST what you want and take part in the GREAT AWAKENING that is occurring on this earth right now? You probably know of the increases in awareness and consciousness on the planet.  Just think what it could mean for your life to find out about the reality of the unseen world, and how it responds to the holographic images you create with your mind!  Choose to take part in rejuvenating the entire planet while also Creating What You Want!  We All Create our Reality, but only a few want to admit it!    This Book Shows You How to Identify what you really want, so you can create what you want, instead of what you may have been creating year after year. Through his counseling and consulting work, Christopher Westra has helped hundreds to clarify what they really want through detailed HoloCreation Techniques.   Christopher has been studying visualization science, psychology, personal potential, and creative living for over 20 years. To see how well he knows what you want, think of ten things you currently are desiring.  Go ahead and write them down on a scrap of paper.  When you scroll down the page, you will be able to compare your items to a list of common desires.  The Purpose of LifeEither this is a universe with a purpose, or this is a universe without a purpose.  This book is for those who know the universe has a purpose.The purpose of life, in the simplest way to put it, is to learn to control energy.  Learning to control your mental energy comes from using your thoughts and emotions to create the physical reality you desire.  You then live successfully with the matter and events that are formed!By learning to guide and focus your thoughts in this way, your inner development is reflected in your outer physical world.  We all participate in creating the exterior world, and this is essential for our growth and lessons while in this dimension.   The better our abilities at creating reality, the better we are able to learn, solve problems, create abundance, build joyful relationships, and help others.You need specifics about personal creation …by someone who has experience.  OK, you’ve written down the ten items you are wanting right now.  Compare your ten items to the list below and see if your desires don’t fall into these categories that Christopher has developed from years of helping people.What You Want Is To:Have Financial Abundance – Make Money or Save MoneyLive Your Dream – Freedom to do what you want to do when you want to do it.  See the Freedom Lifestyle Passive Income Program.Be Happy – Have peace of mind, joy.Save Time – Have more real time for life.Develop Talent or Skill – Feel competent in the many areas of your life.Obtain Increased Health – Have more energy, less pain, more vitality.Have Comfort and Leisure and Recreation – Avoid overwork and frenzied lifestyle.Increase Sense of Purpose – Meaningful work, Connection to the UniverseLive in a Clean, Beautiful Environment – Have a neat, ordered living space.Be Honored and Respected – Gain praise, popularity and admiration.Gain Control Over Your Life – Be the captain of your ship, guide your life.Feel Good About Yourself – Know who you really are, confident in abilities.Develop Your Full Potential – Grow in knowledge and ability.Enjoy Loving Relationships – Sexual satisfaction, close family and friends.Create Beauty – Be involved in art, crafts, dance, hobbies, etc.Have Hope in the Future – Have a full expectation of desirable things to come.There you go – That’s what people want.Did I hit them all?  HoloCreation can help you create what you want in all these areas, and any others you have that I didn’t include here!  Here are just some of the reality creation secrets this book has for you How to convert your vague desires into coherent detailed HoloGrams.  (Chapter 7)     Six reasons HoloCreation is ten times more effective than ordinary visualization. (Chapter 1)How energy blockages and negative energy stop the positive creation process, and how to “Clear” yourself.  (Chapter 12)    The seven areas of life in which to practice HoloCreation in order to be balanced.  (Chapter 5)     How to completely blow away prior limitations through the Extreme HoloCreation Activity! (Chapter 11)Free Bonus Book – The Science of Getting Rich.  This book truly changed my life by breaking through my limiting beliefs.Yes, you get this book absolutely free with the purchase of I Create Reality – a downloadable version of this incredible success classic.  How Faith and Fear are almost exactly the same thing, and how to eliminate Fear from your life!  (Chapter 3)    A practical definition of Hope and why this emotion is essential to your happiness. (Chapter 3)    Why accessing the emotions behind your desires can identify what you really want.  (Chapter 8).  Hint – What you really want may be very different than what you say you want.    The two amazing benefits you will receive by asking yourself one simple question about each item you desire.  (Chapter 3).  The question is only three words long.Why most people fail with their visualization, and exactly how HoloCreation brings better results. (Covered in Many Chapters)    How a simple change in the way you think about time and space makes it easier to create what you want.  (Chapter 13)    How to get yourself into the “Harmonic Zone” of Creation even when you don’t feel like it!  (Chapter 12)    How you can influence events involving others even though they do still have their free will. (Chapter 10)    Why you should NOT prepare for your daily HoloCreation sessions, but what you should do instead. (Chapter 13)    The societal changes that could occur through a group HoloCreation exercise!  (Chapter 10)     How HoloCreation will increase your Emotional IQ.  (Chapter 8)    How to improve the lives of millions through taking your Extreme HoloCreations to the level of the ridiculous! (Chapter 11)    When it is important to visualize what you don’t want, but only in certain situations, and only for short periods.  (Chapter 12)    Christopher also does Personal HoloCreation Consultations  $50 for 1/2 hour$90 for 1 hourBelow is a brief list of benefits you get from the world’s only Holographic Creation Consultant.  You will receive one on one help on how to: Get into the thankfulness mindsetMove from vague desires to detailed images Pick the right emotion to “launch” your desires into the universeRecognize which action items are the most importantIdentify limiting beliefs blocking what you wantUnderstand the philosophical assumptions of holographic creationKnow how your holograms are real Be properly grateful to invoke the law of equal and opposite flowWelcome what you want without grasping or cravingBe relaxed in body and mind to create the proper energyKeep balanced in your image creation in all life areasSee your real desires underlying what you say you wantLearn more about your visualization style and how to use it wellUse your Daily Sheet as a journaling toolKnow how to “get into” the emotion while visualizingClear emotional blockages through double page scriptingIdentify what you really want in lifeSee exactly what action items will move you forwardUse Extreme HoloCreation to destroy limitations   I’ll work with you where you are at right now.  Everyone has different goals, purposes, and desires.  Send your name and phone number to consult(at) and I’ll call and arrange a time.  Please replace (at) with @ in the email above.   The Increased Consciousness Movement is growing in an incredibly rapid way.  Millions of people are learning to focus their energy and thoughts, thus achieving more in life than they ever thought possible.   There are more opportunities than ever before in history to use your resources to create worldwide as well as personal improvement.    Discover the benefits that others are experiencing.   As more and more people join forces to shape their environment, we can begin to alter much more than personal reality.  We can change social reality!  Decide to begin now.If you want to learn how to consistently gain the energy, focus, and vitality to achieve your dreams, then you need the information in this book!Why an Ebook?  Discover the Benefits!Millions are reading Ebooks and Here’s Why 1  Save Money – No shipping, no taxes, and the lowest prices.   2  Control Viewing – Read online or print out a hardcopy.  3  Read Easily – Enlarge or reduce text size with a click.4  Navigate Easily –  Hyperlinked Table of Contents.5  Search Effortlessly – Search capabilities with PDF format.6  Purchase Easily – Use Credit Card, book is delivered digitally.7  Access Instantly – You will be reading your book within minutes.8  Choose Printing Options – Print a few pages at a time.9  Save Paper – Print multiple pages on one sheet.10 Be Guilt Free – No fossil fuels used for Ebook distribution. 11 Enjoy Variety – Able to change text and background colors.12 Read Anywhere – Adobe Reader is free, for any computer.13 Store Easily – If you ever lose the book, just download again.14 Use Live Internet Links – When reading online.I Create Reality:  “Beyond Visualization”  How to Manifest Your Heart’s Desires With Holographic Creation is (including bonuses below) in PDF (Adobe) format.You can get the Adobe Reader absolutely free (if you don’t already have it). Just click here to download.   The book and the bonuses are available with one easy download.  You will be taken directly to the download page after purchase, and given simple instructions.If you have any trouble at all with the download process, I will make sure you get access to your book.  My customers are my business!    We are all seeking for the same things.  We all want increased life. We are all striving for the same goals (health, happiness, wealth, freedom, achievement, love, purpose).  I tell you sincerely that HoloCreation has helped me clarify what I want, and get what I want.Following the HoloCreation Steps every day will bring incredible results in your life! The visual images you “launch” with the proper energy, emotion, and expectation will materialize into physical existence!This book tells you exactly how to do this.  Please Note: Do NOT buy any book on visualization unless it does the following: One: Describes the holographic domain of pure thought-energy, where images are just as real as “reality”. Two: Shows you how to use visual images to clear emotional blockages! Three: Teaches that images (holograms) are literally made of matter (just more subtle matter or incipient matter). Four: Explains why it is essential to expand your visual images to ridiculous levels in order to expand your possibilities.  This is the process of Extreme HoloCreation. Five: Tells you exactly how to convert your vague desires into concrete detailed images, even for those who have a hard time focusing! Six: Gives you specific ways to ‘launch’ your images with emotional energy.Seven: Shows you exactly how to relax and let the universe do its work! Eight: Offers you ways to think differently from the crowd to achieve different results from the crowd.    Wanting a more abundant life is perfectly normal.  In fact, an abundance is essential for fulfilling your purpose in life.  You wouldn’t be reading this unless you want more from life than you currently have.HoloCreation is the most important skill you can learn.  We have been given this creation ability by the Creator, and most people don’t even know how to use it.Your Success is Worth it!Never underestimate the power of one small action outside your comfort zone. You get immediate and convenient access to: I Create Reality: “Beyond Visualization” How to Manifest Your Heart’s Desires With Holographic Creation along with some extra bonuses for acting now. This book (with the following bonuses) will be priced at $49 but if you respond right away, you pay only the introductory price of $28.19 Order now and receive the following free bonuses. I know that Holographic Creation has helped me create what I want in life.  I want to include these bonuses to give you every possible reason to say YES to this offer today! Special Short Term Bonus below.  Special Temporary Bonus –  Free Book on Holographic Time:  This is my latest book titled Realms of Joy – Time of Light:  How You Can Master Holographic Time for Extreme Wealth and Peace.  This book is about how to transform your life by living in holographic time rather than linear time.  Sales have been great and I’m feeling generous.  This book won’t be available for free from this site for very long.  So act fast and order now if you want it free!  You won’t find a book like this anywhere else but right here.  Consciousness and time have been studies of mine for many years.  Click on Realms of Joy to read more about holographic time! If you respond immediately, in addition to the book, you’ll also receive the following:


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