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Christopher Jaros – Granular Relaxing with Brook 4D (Stroiciel Auditory Perception Reshaping)

Stroiciel APR (Granular Relaxing with Brook4D)
[1 FLAC]



SHARING THIS ELSEWHERE WILL GET YOU BANNEDTHIS IS A EXCLUSIVEKEEPING IT THAT WAY WILL BE APPRECIATEDGranular Relaxing with Brook 4D (Stroiciel Auditory Perception Reshaping) by Christopher Jaros[FLAC]Experience Auditory Perception Reshaping, a way to restore and enhance the natural receptivity to beauty; release and let go of perceptual tension or habits and feel in harmonious way again (use with headphones or speakers)Granular Relaxing with Brook 4D the effect of the tuner, the world seen through rose-colored glasses. But in this case – these are glasses sound, built with proven models NaBr-Sync (Brook4D) and a chord of resonance filters, drawing on the knowledge of the harmonic nature of the signals. When you open a sound colored glasses (including the background of one of the programs the tuner) and listen to their perspective – almost immediately notice that what you hear – it becomes more profound and colorful, yet soft and subtle. This effect of harmony is maintained for some time later (after the music), but if you remember – summon him at any time and as needed. So does tunable auditory perception. And since the hearing is neurologically quite widely associated with other senses, the emotions, and even the higher functions of consciousness, the effect of natural harmony – moves into these areas and levels, which are responsible for the quality and taste of life. Do the experiment and turn the tuner when the ambient sounds seem dull and flat notes and hear what is changing. The programs differ in tuner ‘colors’ shades of perception and mood, but the goal remains the same – to restore and expand the aesthetic sensibility to beauty. What will you do it up – it is yours.Auditory Perception Reshaping (APR)The way we record our auditory environment and its components depend on this – how our brain processes information received. And this is – it depends on the type of signals we receive. During the recognition process is a stream of acoustic stimuli as separate, “ringing” (and the generation of these maps of the environment quality) – nervous system literally “retunes to” (neuroplasticity of the brain) in order to understand what they get through the auditory. When the brain retunes to a certain kind of sound stimuli, then everything else – we start to hear a bit different. Depending on your mood, attitude or saturation of a specific type of acoustics – the same sounds we hear and receive as unpleasant or as nice (although they are still the same sound). Passing car, which is usually perceived as a cacophony of noise – we can discover anew, as melodic harmony współgrających tones. Both of these patterns of perceptual (and all others) are formed only at the level of the brain, in fact – they only exist as irregular acoustic pressure, constantly reaching our ears. Whether the tune to the hidden order in chaos, or distracted chaos in random order – depends on our inner state. Tunable auditory perception (auditory perception reshaping) is a little like Tomatis method, though the author’s approach is decidedly different in many aspects.APR is the process of restoring perception of beauty, harmony, richness, subtlety – in all this, what reaches us through the ear (and the same – that surrounds us.) It is an autonomous process, and activity – effectively compensates for the adverse behavior and receipts associated with the mood of emotional, purposeful attitude or acoustic environment. Action APR is based on vibration-tone patterns, which with enough mathematical precision work like a lens focusing. Specific systems produce a concrete result, although the general rules for these combinations – are well known in the music, phonetics and the physics of sound – the heart lies in the proper selection and configuration of the same matrix and the sources on which the tonal and masking. The tuner is based on proven concepts developed before the system NaBr-Sync . Listen to the APR makes our brain to get used to certain patterns, and as a result of saturation of them (or “sympathy”) – begins to look for them in the environment. And this detuning neuronal – also entails a change of our inner state.The impact of the APR is fixed when I remember the effect it produces (and is able to bring back this state / feelings from memory) or when no other factors which degrade the auditory perception in the same way. Correct / selected pattern can also restore the canal within a few hours of talking (during one or two sessions separated in time) or within 2-4 days of listening regularly (2-3 times a day). The permanent APR storing the selected program can be obtained within 6-12 weeks of regular, everyday listening.The variety of recordings APR is associated with the fact that although there are a restricted group of neural predisposition (purchased or wroczonych) that respond physiologically to a given, a particular program harder than the other (an eye resonance). The development of new combinations is also dictated by the possibility of their application to different emotional situations.ApplicationsSince the APR programs przestrajają natural hearing with the “arbitrary” and chaotic on the “standard” and orderly, they can be used for depression, various types of disorders (including – sleep) and general malaise states. Since the well-being accompanied by a sweet sound surround sound, the restoration of the sweetness and harmony in the auditory perception – positive effect on mood. Well-being is closely linked to the quality of perception, and the result of well-being is more joy in everyday tasks and working with the focused consciousness.APR programs, by themselves or to create altered states of consciousness (nor do they support such as binaural beats a Hemi-Sync), but may influence the content of experience with them. Impact on the Brain Hemispheric Synchronization is here intermediate values ​​resulting from a common band sound for the APR, it is known that any useful perceptualnie combinations of sounds – harmonises also affect brain synchronization.UNIVERSAL CAUTION NOTE: While various types of vibrations, pulsations and holoacoustic effects occurring in the recording are due to natural sound structures used in the music production process, we suggest that you take the same safety principles like in case of recordings with binaural beats or any other psychoactive music. Generally speaking these indications say about caution and consultation with your doctor in case of epilepsy, pregnancy, mental disorders or other health related doubts. Don’t drive while listening, and don’t operate any machines. These materials as a sound recordings, although they may be used as a therapeutic tool, they themselves – are an artistic expression and so they should be considered. The author does not take the responsibility for any consequences coming out from use of these materials. Also, remember, that although such recordings can be used as a great addition to support and/or supplement the treatment, healing and recovery – keep in mind, that such recordings will not substitute proper medical diagnose nor care, and they should be not used as a replacement in this area.Description copied from Google translator.


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