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Chris Payne – Effort-Free Life System – My Own Notes

[6 PDF]



Hi everybody,A few months ago I bought on amazon the course Effort Free Life System, by Chris Payne. I put it back for no reason…But I recently started to use it again, and was again blown away by it’s simplicity and effectiveness.I also discovered the reasons why I put this program down. For some they may seem obvious, but for me they were too. Basically they are so obvious that we don’t realise them.Sometimes, you hit resistance, just like with the sedona method. Chris Payne does a pretty good job explaining that, especially on CD2. I’ve carefully noted all my observations, and made a few pdf on it.Now I’m happy to know that each time I feel like I don’t need this program or don’t wanna use it, I just refer to these pdfs that help me and hop I’m back on track!So here’s what inside:Quote:-5 areas of your life you can start doing the CAP on-5 things you can do if you get no results-6 things to remember-Tips to get more in the now-Tips when using CAP-When working with a partnerHope you like it.BlissSmilePS: While these notes are based from what I’ve listened on the program, I’ve used metaphors of my own to help me understand. Because initially I wrote this for me.But since it helped me tremendously I decided I’d share it with you.


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