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Celestine Chua – How To Achieve 10/10 Self-Esteem for Life!

How To Achieve 10-10 Self-Esteem for Life!
[1 MP4, 1 MP3, 1 PDF]



Celestine ChuaLife Coach and Founder of Personal ExcellenceHave you ever desired to develop a 10/10 self-esteem? Have you ever wanted to be confident, self-assured, and not have any self-defeating thoughts about who you are and what you stand for?Well, look no further. In this two-hour self-esteem webinar, I will teach you how to build your self-esteem and stay this way for the rest of your life. Enough of quick fixes, fake promises, and half-baked solutions. Sounds too good to be true? Well it is true, and it’s now finally here for you to use.…


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