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Caryn McHose and Kevin Frank – How Life Moves: Explorations in Meaning and Body Awareness

How Life Moves Explorations in Meaning and Body Awareness
[ 1 PDF , 1 JPEG ]



This exclusive material is brought to you by those who have participated in the … Joe Navarro’s Online Advanced Speed Reading People Course – Group Buy – Bonuses**** Exclusive ****Sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!This comprehensive movement program uses the story of biological evolution as a tool to increase strength, flexibility, and body awareness. Readers learn to “unlearn” inherited bodily habits by embodying the many forms that life has expressed on Earth—from the single cell to the human being—and shifting their perception. Through this evolutionary movement, the body’s native intelligence is revived and new movements can be learned, enabling the body to overcome chronic musculoskeletal complaints such as lower back, shoulder, and neck pain, and to meet whatever challenges it is faced with.…thank you all for making this possible for all of us  Joe Navarro’s Online Advanced Speed Reading People Course GB   Contributors: immediately, ratio freeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU


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