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Carol Look – Stop Being Lazy: How To Break The Procrastination Cycle Once & For All And Excel

Carol Look – Stop Being Lazy
[1 eBook – PDF + MOBI + EPUB]]


Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elswhere will get you banned!Carol Look – Stop Being Lazy: How To Break The Procrastination Cycle Once & For All And Excel [1 PDF, 1 MOBI, 1 EPUB]Carol, author of the hit book Attracting Abundance with EFT, is back, this time to help readers defeat their procrastination. Stop pulling all-nighters and stressing over deadlines.…Book Summary:Quote:Chapter 1: LITTLE IN LIFE IS MORE INTIMIDATING THAN A BLANK PAGEAt least, that’s how I used to feel before beginning a book. It’s just a bunch of white space, an empty plane in need of words. As George Orwell, author of 1984, once said, “Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness.”Chapter 2: PAYING FOR PROCRASTINATION”Procrastination” has a bad reputation, as well it should, but have you ever stopped to consider how procrastination is affecting you? It’s one of those concepts we all instinctively recognize as a bad habit to get into, but I think we rarely analyze its effect on our life from a deeper standpoint.Chapter 3: ELIMINATIONSo if we all know that procrastination is a terrible habit, why do we do it week after week, year after year? Every time we finish a project after too much procrastination, we say something along the lines of, “never again.” How does, “never again,” turn into, “I’ll do it tomorrow,” without even a moment’s hesitation? How does anyone become a habitual “do-it-tomorrow” person?Chapter 4: WHY PROCRASTINATE?Identifying the cause of our procrastination is the first step in eliminating it completely. Once we stop that perceived reward from having any power over us, procrastination instantly becomes less appealing. Though humans are very complex, we have a tendency to go for whatever option provides the most pleasure. Make procrastination less enticing, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you accomplish your work.Chapter 5: INTRODUCTION TO MERIDIAN TAPPINGI thought I had everything worked out.Chapter 6: AN IN-DEPTH LOOK AT EFTHow long have you lived with procrastination? How long has it been holding you back from your full potential, causing you stress in both your work and home relationships and keeping you from absolute fulfillment?Chapter 7: SAMPLE EXERCISESAlthough you now possess the basics to conduct your own EFT session, I understand that all of this can be a bit intimidating at the beginning. There are a lot of new concepts, a lot of ideas to consider, as well as memorizing those nine points.Chapter 8: HOMEWORKI can hear you already. “But Carol! Homework? I thought we were trying to eliminate my procrastination!”


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