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Carlos Xuma – Bad Boy Formula

Carlos Xuma – Bad Boy Formula
[19 FLV]



Exclusive: DO NOT LEAK FROM elib.techVIP NOWPU NOWUsers NOWPromo page:”How Bad Boys Attract Women -Discover The Shocking Secrets ThatInstantly Make Women Claw And Fight Over You…”Put Your Love Life On Steroids Follow This Attraction Roadmap…If you’re a guy who’s sick and tired of letting the Bad Boys steal all the beautiful women and leave you with nothing, what you’re about to read will amaze you… I’ve also been the unwitting victim of the “Bad Boy” when he stole my girlfriends and fleeced me of women I should have been able to get with. It SUCKS to watch these guys at work on women, getting the attention and sex you deserve. I always felt like I was a low status man, pushed around by guys who were loud, obnoxious, and inconsiderate. Sometimes you don’t know who to be more pissed off at – the Bad Boy for his “evil” ways, or the women who seem to ignore you and then jump at the chance to be mistreated by one of those guys…Have you ever thought something like this: “I’m sick and tired of being alone. Why does this jerk get women when I clearly have so much more to offer to her? Why can’t I attract the women I want when I am obviously a better catch?”The KEY To Success With Women – And The Success Of Every Guy I’ve Coached – Has Been As Easy As These TWO SIMPLE STEPS…1) Get rid of the “Nice Guy” behaviors that make women run away from you – or push you in the “just friends” bucket. AND 2) Get a little more of the “edge” that women want (Because a little goes a LONG way…)That’s a FACT. Whether we want to admit it or not.What about you? If you’re like a lot of other frustrated guys out there…You see women telling you they want a “nice” sensitive guy, but when you try to be nice, she runs away – right into the arms of some jerk…You see other guys out there that act like complete jerks, but they never have a problem meeting women or getting a girlfriend – and you still feel like you’re pushing a boulder uphill to get a second date with a woman…You don’t want to have to act like a JERK to get a date, but you know they’ve got something going on that you wished you could use…You might have a woman in your life that you want to get, who is hopelessly addicted to the jerks and dogs out there…You see these “Bad Boys” out there, not playing by the rules – doing what he wants – but getting to win the game anyway…Look, it’s okay… It’s not your fault. You did the best you could with the information you had. Now I’m going to help you go even further with your game than you ever thought imaginable, all by using some principles that most guys will never understand how to use in an ethical and responsible way.In fact, I’ve got some insights for you that will clear up a lot of your confusion about this whole “Bad Boy” myth. I’m even going to share something about these “bad boys” that most guys never realize – and as a result you may be handicapping yourself in your dating. I would go to bars, parties, hang out with friends, and no matter what happened I would always run into a “bad boy” type. You know, the guy that was a little obnoxious, but always seemed to charm the women right out from under me…I Hated The Bad Boy Because Of What He Could Do… But the fact is that as much as I hated him (or said I hated him) the truth is that I was JEALOUS as hell of him.He was getting the women that I should have been getting, and I knew I was a better catch than him. *I* deserved those women! You ever feel like that?You know what the WORST trait of the “Bad Boy” is, though?The Bad Boy doesn’t care what you or me – or ANYONE thinks, because he’s out there gaming up all the women for himself. And he doesn’t give a crap if you don’t like him or his methods, because they WORK for him!Some guys might think this sucks – and a lot of guys might think it sounds awesome. The Bad Boy doesn’t even consider “average” guys like us to be a threat to him because he just hustles and games and wins women over. But he’s not invincible, and you’re going to learn how you can beat him at his own game… You’ll have the best of BOTH worlds!Look, women won’t admit they bang the Bad Boy all the time to guys. In fact, she usually won’t even admit it to herself! But we know the truth, and it’s time to start using the truth to set you free…CONTENTSPromotional Videos 1, 2 and 3 Main ProgramVIDEO MODULE 1: The Bad Boy Definition & SpectrumAndThe Dark & Light Triads VIDEO MODULE 2: Attraction Psychology Of The Bad Boy1 & 2VIDEO MODULE 3: Bad Boy Strategy – The Big 3AndThe “Blade & The Myths Module VIDEO MODULE 4: SWAT Tactics 1 & 2VIDEO MODULE 5:Bad Boy LifestyleVIDEO MODULE 6: Lock & Load Formulas 1 & 2 & 3VIDEO MODULE 7:Bad Boy Reference & ExamplesVIDEO MODULE 8:Bad Boy ReviewVIDEO MODULE 9:Bustin’ Balls TutorialAnd Bad Boy Case StudiesNOTE: NO audio BONUSES or mindmaps available at this time


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