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Cameron Shayne – Strength and Balance

[1 DVD (VOB)]


Strength and Balance – Cameron ShayneDescriptionStrength and Balance will take your body to new heights lengthening andcarving your muscles while bringing you greater harmony and clairty of thinking.This program is designed specifically to strenghten and tone the entire body whilecultivating incredible arm and single leg balance. The special tutorial guide (one onone teaching guide with Cameron Shayne) makes this DVD perfect for both theBudokon novice and the seasoned practitioner. With techniques such as rollingWarrior 3 and Fighting Warrior 2, along with round kicks and striking combinations,this DVD promises to be like nothing you have ever seen before.Cameron Shayne has crafted a system that will change how you think aboutpower. This is genuine martial arts with smarter body mechanics and deepersubstance than any fusion-workout fad rejoined in an ingenious flow with thepractices that make your power more than physical. Cameron is vivid,unexpected, affecting. His never-too-serious energy puts you at ease while hisexpert technique inspires you. Feel yourself giving 100% of your mental energyand spirit and focusing your power as with no other workout.Bonus TutorialThis 70 minute detailed explanation and demonstration of each Budokon techniqueis like having a private session at home with Cameron.Bonus Directors CommentaryThis personal and in depth discussion of the art of Budokon reveals founderCameron Shayne’s motivations and perspectives on creating this unique art form.Download alsoCameron Shayne – Flow and Flexibility: Shayne – Power and Agility:


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