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Cal Banyan – 5 Path Hypnosis Training

Cal Banyan – 5 Path Hypnosis Training
[5 DVDs – DivX Rips]



Huuge huuge description and sales pitch here:…Probably the most useful excerpt:List of Handouts for Each Hypnosis Training Video Handouts for Hypnosis Training Video 11. 5-PATH Structural Overview2. The Continuum of Fear3. All Feelings are Good4. Feelings and What They Indicate5. Overview of Phase I: Direct Suggestion6. Post-Hypnotic Suggestion for Re-inductionHandouts for Hypnosis Training Video 27. Post-Hypnotic Suggestion Using Red8. Time Distortion Suggestions for Convincer of Post Hypnotic Suggestion9. Eye-Lock Test10. Elman-Banyan Rapid Hypnotic Induction11. Elman-Banyan Rapid Hypnotic Induction (Large Print) 12. Short Elman Hypnotic Induction13. Over Eating Rut14. Nail Biting script15. Stopping Premature Ejaculation16. The Three Mental Powers17. Four Important Things We Do In18. Post-Hypnotic Re-Induction Patter19. Universal script: Take the High Road to Success20. What Clients Need To Say to Get Their Stop Smoking Certificate Handouts for Hypnosis Training Video 321. Powerful Two Session Approach Smoking Cessation Using 5-Path, A Universal Approach To Hypnotherapy22. Stop Smoking (Patter)23. Model of the Mind (Pre-Talk Handout)24. 5-PATH Tapes 1-5: Things To Watch for and Learn As Calvin Banyan Conducts the First Four Phases: Direct Suggestion, Age Regression, Forgiveness of Others and Forgiveness of Self (Put this handout where you can find it. You will need it again. NOTE: TAPE 3: Phase III Forgiveness of Others Therapy (Mohamed) was not shown or discussed during this 3-day class to save time and because of audio problems with that tape.)25. Like Water Off A Ducks Back26. 5-PATH Overview: Phase II Age RegressionHandouts for Hypnosis Training Video 426. How a 5-PATH Practitioner Can Succeed In Helping Children with Hypnosis27. Phase II: Age Regression Outline28. The Key to Successful Hypnotherapeutic Age Regression: Identifying the Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE).29. The Twelve Keys to Successful Age Regression SessionsHandouts for Hypnosis Training Video 530. Moving Your Client Along When In Age Regression?Without Leading or Emerging Handouts for Hypnosis Training Video 6No handouts were given during this video. The entire video is dedicated to understanding and demonstrating hypnotic age regression techniques!Handouts for Hypnosis Training Video 731. 5-PATH Overview: Phase III32. Ten Keys to Forgiveness 33. Phase III: Forgiveness of the Person Who Hurt You the MostHandouts for Hypnosis Training Video 834. Overview of Phase III: 5-PATH Forgiveness of Others (FOO) (Has lines drawn to show the circular cycle.) 35. Transcript of Phase III of the 5-PATH Videotapes. (Transcript of a video not viewed in class because of time restraints and problems with the audio on that tape.)36. Forgiveness Form (Phase III and IV)37. To Forgive, Or Not To Forgive: Does Forgiveness Make For Good Therapy?38. 5-PATH Overview: Phase IV39. Phase IV: Forgiveness of SelfHandouts for Hypnosis Training Video 940. The Young Carpenter: A Story for Inner Strength.Handouts for Hypnosis Training Video 1041. 5-PATH Overview: Phase V42. Phase V: Parts Mediation Therapy43. 5-PATH and Parts Mediation Therapy: Working with Secondary Gain——Do make a review after watching or suffer internally eternally.You WILL prioritize individual files for download. It will take quite some time.


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