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Burt Goldman – The American Monk – Life Accelerator

Life Accelerator
[8 mp3]



The American Monk – Life AcceleratorBroken New Year Resolutions? Global Recessions? Countless Uncertainties? With These Long-Lost Eastern Secrets, Even a Hurricane Will Tickle Like a Breeze as You Effortlessly Manifest The Best Year of Your LifeModule 1: Are You In Control?    * Why conventional goal setting programs just don’t work for most people. No matter how many and how hard they try.    * Public enemy number 1. The universal force that’s stopping you from achieving your goals. Hint—it’s everywhere.    * How often can you hit the target? The legend of Zen archer Quan Heng, and how his arrows hold the key to your accomplishment.    * Your imagination could be holding you back. How to take control of your own thoughts, and use them for unshakable success.    * PLUS: “So that’s why I couldn’t do it!” How one jaw-dropping revelation helped Emily Cousins overcome a lifetime of obesity.Module 2: The Ultimate Goal-Setting Formula    * Why your existing goal may not be worthy of your talents—and the fail-safe method to finding one that is.    * What to do if you’re stuck in a rut. How I overcame my mental block, and ended up with my best painting yet.    * Daydreaming is a waste of time, right? Wrong. Discover the achiever’s ultimate secret weapon.    * Why 99% of goals fail to materialize. The crucial element of intention.    * PLUS: 9 proven steps to finding, visualizing and accomplishing your goals.Module 3: The ‘RPC’ Alpha Meditation    * A step-by-step guide into the ‘RPC’ (ReProcessing Cause) Alpha Meditation, my powerful method of embracing the past and manifesting a shining future.Module 4: Goals & Controls    * The amusing tale of Edwardo Constantine, a good man whom even God Himself couldn’t help.    * The Goals & Controls System. 6 steps to becoming the captain of your own ship.    * “You’re looking at this the wrong way.” How a simple perception shift more than doubled Meg Leonard’s annual income (and her happiness).    * The magic of Quantifying. The make-it-or-break-it factor that will determine your success or failure.    * PLUS: How a humble pencil transformed Roy Coswell from mediocre basketball player to high-flying scorer…in just one month.Module 5: The ‘Goals & Controls’ Alpha Meditation    * A step-by-step guide into the ‘Goals & Controls’ Alpha Meditation, an essential goal achievement exercise.      – PLUS: The 6-step homing missile technique to hitting any target you set.Module 6: The Deadly Trap of Self Sabotage    * Shoot down that pie in the sky! How to tell a realistic goal from a fanciful one.      – What the dictionary doesn’t tell you. The real definition of motivation, and how it’ll set you free.    * “How badly do you want it?” How to increase your desire so you can finally reach for your goals.    * Why some people stumble and fall. The definitive answer    * You’ve been deceived by all those books and courses. Discover the biggest goal setting misconception of all time.    * Self sabotage. Your goal’s worst nightmare has been hiding from you. Learn how to find it, kick it out for good.BONUS MODULE 1: S.T.E.A – The Magic Formula For Instant, Effortless AchievementDiscover S.T.E.A, the powerful formula I’ve used to take countless people from stuck to living the life of their dreams. If there was ever a magic key to achieving your goals as quickly and as easily as possible, this would be it.    * How Shirley Cassoff used S.T.E.A to instantly double her salary—after over a decade without a raise.    * What could have stopped a group of busy New York City pedestrians in their tracks? Witness the incredible power of programming.    * Are you sure you want it? If left unchecked, this hard-to-spot mistake could be your downfall.BONUS MODULE 2: ‘Mice Into Lions’ – The Ultimate Alpha Meditation For An Invincible Self ImageHave you ever wished you could express yourself better?Is a lack of confidence holding you back from reaching your goals?The ‘Mice Into Lions’ Alpha Meditation is your answer. Incredibly effective in 99% of individuals, this potent exercise will instantly energize you with the confidence and mindset to finally start reaching for the stars—whether it’s a promotion, a pay rise, a better body, or even a nicer car.


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