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Bruce Frantzis – I-Chuan – Standing Postures

BKF – I-Chuan – Standing Postures
[ 5 MP4 ]


I Chuan—mind intention boxing—uses eight standing postures to develop internal power and vibrant health. The I Chuan system was developed by Wang Hsiang Zai. He was a student of Guo Yun Shen from the Hebei Hsing-i School, a style heavily influenced by bagua zhangi.Bruce Frantzis wrote:In I Chuan, the emphasis on holding a standing posture is to develop fa jin.  Fa jini is the internal martial arts technique of issuing power so that it passes through an opponent, moving him in space just as a gust of wind blows dust away.The eight standing postures work with chi and are practiced at heights ranging from above the head to the lower tantien (near the navel). The poses are derived from Taoism’s 200 original postures and are used to bring out the innate power of the body.These I Chuan postures have several main purposes:- To open up the energy channels- To rebalance the energies in your body- To strengthen any energetic weaknesses- To unlock the body’s latent potentials and capacities.In this DVD training set, recorded live in Berkeley, California, Bruce Frantzis demonstrates the eight core standing postures and explains the I Chuan system and its objectives.


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