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Breathwork Summit 2012

[24 MP3s]



Increase your vitality, energy, pleasure and health all through the power of your breath! Breathwork Summit Featuring World Class Experts: Gay Hendricks, Stanislav Grof, Jack Kornfield, Sondra Ray, Leonard Orr and MORE What if the most powerful tool for your healing and transformation was your own breath? Breathing, whether we do it consciously or not, is our life force. A newborn takes her first breath. A dying man exhales for the last time. At the end of each life, there is only breath. And yet, caught up in our frantic schedules, work, family, and yes, even personal growth activities, so many of us forget to simply breathe. We lose touch with ourselves, our bodies, our world. When we do slow down and notice our breath, life changes. We get calmer, our minds clear, we feel more connected to ourselves, a higher power, and to the people we love. Many of us experience a deep sense of “oneness” that radiates out from within and into the world. That’s why we’re delighted to bring you The Breathwork Summit – a free 4-day virtual event completely dedicated to the use of your breath for healing your own life and transforming our world.4 Days of Breathwork Insights, Techniques and Tools Each day The Breathwork Summit brings you best practices and new research in medicine, personal development and spiritual awareness – all focused on harnessing the power of your breath. Transformational leader Gay Hendricks kicks off this exciting summit, with daily keynotes by Jack Kornfield, Stanislav Grof, Sondra Ray, Leonard Orr, Dr. Dan Siegel and other top pioneers of breathwork. Are You Using 100% Of Your Lung Capacity? The truth is, most people only use 50% of their lung capacity. Becoming aware of your breath and applying simple, but powerful techniques helps you tap into the other 50% – to maximize the healing of your body, mind and spirit.Harnessing the breath for healing and transformation takes commitment, focus and the right tools. Which is exactly what The Breathwork Summit offers – all from the most respected leaders in this pioneering field. Experience Healing on a Cellular Level Besides calming the mind and body, conscious breathing can help unblock and resolve painful, energy-draining emotions, trauma and conflicts. Stress dissipates, your mind becomes sharper, and your body and spirit connect more strongly to the life force. Harnessing the power of your breath increases your capacity for joy, peace and love and deep, permanent healing on a cellular level. Deepen Your Journey By Breathing More Deeply But when you begin to breathe consciously, through techniques such as Holotropic Breathwork, Radiance Breathwork, Integrative Breathing, Mindful Breathing, and other modalities, you begin to integrate all aspects of ourselves, and thus, begin to accept and embrace the world around you. From here, you can become a true agent of change.Make a Profound Shift, One Breath at a Time Breath has the power to heal, and transform us – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Think of it: Inhale + exhale = transformation. Inspiration literally means “the act of breathing in.” Breathwork tools and techniques not only help heal our bodies, they can also open doors to new and deeper levels of creativity and spirituality. At this critical moment in human history, our very breath can open the door for us to become more vibrant, loving, creative, and responsible beings. 24 Thought Leaders Share Their Insights About Breathwork and Healing Experience the profound, intensely practical teachings of 24 thought leaders and practitioners, including: Gay Hendricks, Ph.D.: Major contributor to the field of relationship transformation and body-mind therapies, founder and president of The Hendricks Institute, and co-author of the bestseller Conscious Loving and Five Wishes, and The Corporate Mystic, Conscious Living and The Big Leap. Jack Kornfield: America’s leading Buddhism teacher, founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and author of A Lamp in the Darkness: Illuminating the Path Through Difficult Times, The Buddha Is Still Teaching: Contemporary Buddhist Wisdom, After the Ecstasy, The Laundry, and other books. Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D.: Pioneer in transpersonal psychology, founding president of the International Transpersonal Association, and author of The Holotropic Mind, Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis and other books. Sondra Ray: A leader in the rebirthing movement, founder of the Liberation Breathing process, and author of The Only Diet There Is and Loving Relationships, and co-author with Leonard Orr of Rebirthing in the New Age. Leonard Orr: An early pioneer in rebirthing and breathwork, and founder of Rebirthing Breathwork International. Dan Siegel, M.D..: A leader in the field of mindfulness and personal transformation, co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center, and author of Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation, The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well-Being and other books. Jim Morningstar, PhD has been pioneering in mind/body techniques including breathwork since the 1970s. He has one of the longest established breathworker training schools and founded the International Breathwork Training Alliance, setting standards for ethics and training for professional breathworkers. He has authored Breathing in Light and Love (1994) and newly released The Complete Breath: A Professional Guide for Health and Wellbeing (2012). Jessica Dibb is the founder and director of Inspiration Community, Inc., an integral Consciousness School, dedicated to promoting personal, relational and planetary wellness, where she has created highly innovative and multi-dimensional programs for awakening consciousness for over two decades. She is also the Co-Director of the International Breathwork Training Alliance, Chair of their Ethic’s Committee, and a Founding member of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute….And many other pioneers.


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