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Bill Wallace – Stretching For Athletes

Bill Wallace – Stretching For Athletes.avi


Some general stretchings on the upper part of the body has been demonstrated, together with guidance on how to get into full Front and Side SplitsThis video starts with a good introduction to stretching and the basics of the way muscles attach and work. This is clear and easy to understand. Bill tells us that A relaxed muscle is more resistant to injury, quicker and more easily moved. All that makes sense to me.Moves into warmups, works from the top down. Gentle motions just to raise the muscle temperature and let your body know something is coming. After this Bill begins stretching exercises to do alone. This is comprised of a lot of static stretches keeping the tension on for counts between 2-10 seconds. None of the exercises are anything extraordinary but the order they are done in makes sense and flows nicely. This section is a little less than half an hour and Bill recommends doing them every day.On to partner stretching. Bill stresses safety first with the partner. Another 20 mins or so is spent on these. Again nothing out of the ordinary but all good solid exercises in a nice smooth order. Bill recommedns partner stretching 2-3 times per week as it is harder on the muscles.The third section is about the ‘new fangled’ stretching machines. I had one in the early 90’s. That was probably when this video was first released. Anyhow the section is as good as it can get, showing a number of exercises to do while strapped into a machine. This is limited but the presentation is good.Five minutes of review finishes the volume off in style. Bill comes across as an extremely knowledgeable and affable person


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