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Best-Loved Chinese Proverbs

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[eBook – PDF]



Amazon user review:I’ve always enjoyed books of sayings,proverbs,quotations and such.I also often use them in discussions.Let’s face it these short trueisms have been handed down from one generation to the next foe ages.When I found this little book,I really felt, since the Chinese culture is so remote and different;I thought their Proverbs would be as well.I guess that wisdom really knows no borders.One thing you will see in this book is that the same thought is amply put into different words.We have many proverbs on the benefits of reading;I like this Chinese way of putting it;”One who does not like to read is equal to one who cannot read.”And on sincerity;”The longer the explanation the bigger the lie.”And on strategy;”Don’t lift a rock only to drop it on your own foot.”And on success;”Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.”Or as we would say'”If at first you don’t succeed,try,try,again.”And this one straight to the point;”Do not judge a person until the lid of his coffin is closed.With many of the proverbs,a brief explanation of its meaning is given where the author thinks it is necessary.Although it doesn’t take long to skip through this little book;It’s enjoyment can be extended by trying to come up with a Western Proverb that conveys the same thouhht in different words.


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