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Bashar – The Illusion of Power – mp3

Bashar – The Illusion of Power – [1DVD Audio Rip] mp3
[1DVD Audio Rip] mp3



“The ILLUSION of POWER Vs. THE POWER of the ILLUSION – Audio Rip mp3”- Bashar (Channeled by Daryl Anka)8-1-1998 Las Vegas, NV. (Duration 1:39min)Psychology calls it “Perceived Locus of Control”. NLP calls it “Cause or Effect” – most clients enter change work at the effect of some perceived external factor and, if all went well, leave therapy being the cause of their ability to create.Bashar explains the difference between falling under the illusion of power vs. learning to use the power of the illusion and describes the healing effect this can have upon our planet as we awaken our consciousness to possibilities.Q&A:• The photon belt and its effect upon us.• Why is 2001 an important threshold?• How to repair your health.• The timing of a major California earthquake.• Expanding your relationship with your future self.• Healing manic-depression.• Understanding a jolting event in your life.• Love of learning.• Running for office.More at including regular monthly events (2010)Enjoy.


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