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Barry Sears – The Zone

Barry Sears – The Zone [1eBook – PDF].pdf
[1eBook – PDF]


This file was converted from an Amazon Kindle .azw to a .pdf ReviewBarry Sears looks at why Americans still have dietary problems in spite of following the advice of experts. Challenging the current recommendations for a high carbohydrate diet, Sears looks into man’s history as well as the diets athletes succeed best on, to build a new dietary picture. Anyone looking for better health through an improved relationship to what they eat should put this book on their list. From Publishers WeeklyCiao pasta, good-bye bread, rice and other “bad carbohydrates,” which can include carrots, cranberries and corn. It’s time to truck in the proteins. Sears, a biochemist, crowns years’ worth of research into the effects of food on hormone production and metabolic activity with a program that will lead to “optimal health,” peak performance (the zone of the title) and, not incidentally, weight control. Citing the importance of eicosanoids, a class of hormones that figures critically in metabolism, Sears has worked out an approach to eating that reduces one’s daily production of insulin and, at the same time, draws on stored body fat for energy. A formula for calculating an individual’s Lean Body Mass is tied to an estimated Physical-Activity Factor and used to establish one’s daily protein requirement, which can easily be as much as 70 grams for a moderately active, middle-aged woman with 25-35% body fat. Recommending a diet that tightly balances the intake of protein, good (low-glycemic) carbohydrates and a moderate amount of monounsaturated fats, Sears is among those current weight-control specialists (e.g., Drs. Rachael and Richard Heller and Stephen Gullo [see Notes below]) who observe that there are many “insulin-resistant” Americans for whom the new food pyramid recommendations, heavily weighted with “high-density, high-glycemic carbohydrates,” can be unhealthy. “Zone-favorable” recipes and food-count tables are included.…For those interested in nutrition, health, diets, or crossfit, this file may be of interest.


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