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Attraction Institute – Seduction Community Sucks v3

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0 (2mb).pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



“”As for my review of this book, if I was Staff I would make it sticky on the first page, right under [How To Create and Seed A product Tutorial [1 movie (SWF)].” – Kuvaldan”This Ebook is the shit. I’ve told this stuff to a lot guys but they didn’t get it. Thought it was low value geek stuff. Finally there is light to be seen in the seduction world. Excellent work guys.” – coldmountainThis is always fun…If you’re anything like most guys, you will have one of two reactions to this book:1. This is the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever read. I hate you for wasting 1 hour of my life. I’m going to AMOG you IN THE FACE you CHODE!!!!!!2. This is amazing. You’ve just articulated everything I always felt about attracting and dating and all that shit but was never able to put it into words.Very few people land in between because this book isn’t an ‘in between’ kind of book. It polarises people. I know this is going to get on quite a few peoples nerves, I know it’s going to ruffle quite a few feathers, especially of you’re a hardcore seduction community Man, but if you’re one of those guys who feel like there’s a better way to go about this journey, a more authentic, a more real, and a more genuine path to not only getting amazing success with women but also to bringing happiness into your life, then you’re going to get a lot out of this. In the book, I basically go through every one of the pieces of misinformation that the seduction community is using to keep you trapped in an endless cycle of needing their help to get what you think you want, and show you how it’s never going to get you what you want. Then, I show you a much faster, easier, and more real path you can take.Here’s a chapter list to give you an idea of what I’m talking about:1. Seduction Version 3.02. How to become the Man of her dreams3. What you haven’t been told about becoming a natural4. Why trying to develop confidence is making you nervous5. Why trying to be ALpha is preventing you from being Alpha6. Why doing affirmations is bad for your congruence7. Is trying to be high value keeping you low value?8. Escape plan: The secret back door to confidence, value and status9. Why trying to eliminate your limiting beliefs is only making them worse10. Why learning pickup is preventing you from picking up women11. The ugly truth about approach anxiety12. is learning things to talk about making you run out of things to say?13. Is learning qualification preventing you from naturally qualifying?14. is learning calibration making you uncalibrated?15. The most pointless question you will never answer16. And now, you have a choice17. The real foundations of attraction18. How to become a confidently attractive Man19. The art of effortless attraction20. How easy do you want this to be?As you can see, this is version 3. If you’ve read version 2, I highly recommend you still download this version. The start is similar to version 2 but there’s an extra 16,000 words and 4 chapters on the back end that will give you more details about the why and how.If you enjoy this and want to go deeper with it, you can get the follow up book Endgame here: you hate this and want to rant a little, feel free to leave a comment below. The only thing I ask is that when you do, can you pelase specific what you hate about it? That way, I know how to address your issues in the future versions.If any of you have questions, thoughts, issues, or ideas and want to discuss them, you can do so on the product chat forum here: , it’s time to hate.P.S. In case you’re wondering, yes the title is just to get your attnetion. It’s a marketing stunt designed to get you curious enough to read the first chapter. If it does that, then it’s done it’s job.P.P.S. If you want like this and want to read more about these ideas, you can check out the website here: www.attractioninstitute.comP.P.S There are also some pictures of some unbelievably beautiful women in there. Check out the girl at the start of Chapter 8 if you don’t believe me….


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