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Antranik – Ido Portal: The Floreio Project

Antranik – Ido Portal- The Floreio Project
[WebRip (139 MP4s, 9 PDFs, 9 WEBM, 10 JPGs, 1 PNG)]


Quote:This project is my attempt at organizing the amazing resources Ido Portal has created for us. When I first started trying to make sense of his videos and blog posts, I found that the information was in disarray. In my quest for understanding the content he has available so that I could practice it myself, this page is the result. I hope it helps you MOVE.Quote:Ido Portal – The Floreio Project├── #Combining Floreio Movements│   ├── Four movements (the final closed system flow)│   │   ├── Closed System Flow Combining Four Movements│   │   │   ├── 4 Movement Closed System Flow Advanced.mp4│   │   │   └── 4 Movement Closed System Flow Intermidiate.mp4│   │   └── Long Sequence work Au Cortado + CC Spin + QDR PU + Role│   │       └── Corta Capim Spin into QDR Rotational Push Up.mp4│   ├── The Floreio Project_ Combining Floreio Movements.pdf│   ├── Three movement sequence (3 combinations)│   │   ├── Au Cortado + Role + QDR│   │   │   ├── Au Cortado + Role + QDR (Intermediate).mp4│   │   │   ├── Au Regretful + Role + QDR Rotational Push Up (Advanced).mp4│   │   │   └── Half Au Cortado + Role + QDR (Beginner).mp4│   │   ├── Corta Capim Rotations Into Bridge Rotation With QDR Exit.mp4│   │   └── Rotation Into Low Bridge – QDR 2 QDR Role.mp4│   └── Two movement sequence (6 combinations)│       ├── Au Cortado & Rotation into Low Bridge│       │   ├── Au Cortado and Rotation into Low Bridge (Intermediate).mp4│       │   ├── Au Cortado Press and Rotation into One Arm Low Bridge (Advanced).mp4│       │   └── Half Au Cortado and Entry Rotation into Low Bridge (Beginner).mp4│       ├── Role & Au Cortado│       │   ├── Role into Au Cortado (Intermediate).mp4│       │   ├── Role into Half Au Cortado (Beginner).mp4│       │   └── Role into Regretting Cortado (Advanced).mp4│       ├── Role & QDR (Variations)│       │   ├── Role Into QDR Beginner & Intermidiate.mp4│       │   └── Role into QDR Rotational Push Ups (Advanced).mp4│       ├── Role & Rotation into Low Bridge│       │   ├── Role And Rotation Into Low Bridge (Beginner).mp4│       │   ├── Role and Rotation into Low Bridge (Intermediate).mp4│       │   └── Role and Rotation into One Arm Low Bridge (Advanced).mp4│       ├── Rotation into Low Bridge & QDR rotational push ups│       │   ├── Entry Rotation into Low Bridge and QDR (Beginner).mp4│       │   └── Rotation into Low Bridge and QDR (Intermediate).mp4│       └── Rotations into High Bridge & QDR Rotations│           ├── Head Bridge to QDR.mp4│           ├── Rotation Into High Bridge Lower to Head with QDR Exit.mp4│           └── Rotation Into High Bridge with QDR Exit.mp4├── Demonstrations│   ├── Balance Workshops.mp4│   ├── Corta Capim.mp4│   ├── Flo(a)w.mp4│   ├── Floreio Art.mp4│   ├── Freedom.mp4│   ├── Hollow Back Press HS.mp4│   ├── Mechanical Advantage Set Planche Push Ups.mp4│   ├── new.mp4│   ├── One arm straddle handstand.mp4│   ├── Out of Hand.mp4│   ├── Packing for the road.mp4│   ├── Passive Flexibility Tests.mp4│   ├── Playing with some cubes.mp4│   ├── Self- Dominance.mp4│   ├── Standing 30 Min on Hands.mp4│   ├── The Cruel Tutelage of Ido Portal.mp4│   └── Training on the road.mp4├── Hanging│   ├── Hanging Basics│   │   ├── Active Hang.mp4│   │   ├── Arching Active Hang.mp4│   │   ├── Front Stationary Swing.mp4│   │   ├── Side to Side Stationary Swing.mp4│   │   └── The Passive Hang.mp4│   ├── Hanging Routine Integration│   │   ├── Switch Grip Hanging Routine – Advanced.mp4│   │   ├── Switch Grip Hanging Routine – Beginner.mp4│   │   └── The Ape Swing (Figure ‘8’).mp4│   └── One Arm Hanging Work│       ├── Advanced One Arm Hanging Routine.mp4│       ├── One Arm Active Hang.mp4│       ├── One Arm Passive Hang.mp4│       └── The Shawarma.mp4├── Ido Portal Floreio Routines.pdf├── Mobility│   ├── Ankles│   │   ├── Ankles Series.pdf│   │   ├── IMG_4171.jpg│   │   ├── IMG_4172.jpg│   │   ├── IMG_4173.jpg│   │   ├── IMG_4174.jpg│   │   ├── IMG_4175.jpg│   │   ├── IMG_4176.jpg│   │   ├── IMG_4177.jpg│   │   ├── IMG_4178.jpg│   │   ├── inversion-eversion-foot.png│   │   └── The Improper Alignment speech.mp4│   ├── Hips Legs Spine│   │   ├── Ido’s Squat Clinic Routine│   │   │   ├── Dynamic Soleus Stretch.mp4│   │   │   ├── Dynamic Squats.mp4│   │   │   ├── Dynamic Toes Stretch.mp4│   │   │   ├── Hip Rotations on all fours.mp4│   │   │   ├── Squat Hip Rotations.mp4│   │   │   ├── Static Squat Position.mp4│   │   │   └── Static Toes Stretch.mp4│   │   ├── Ido’s Squat Clinic Routine.mp4│   │   ├── Ido’s Squat Routine 2.0│   │   │   ├── Buddha prayers.mp4│   │   │   ├── Knee Push aways.mp4│   │   │   ├── Sky reaches.mp4│   │   │   └── Squat bows with thumbs up.mp4│   │   └── Ido’s Squat Routine 2.0.mp4│   ├── Ido Portal’s Mobility Routine.pdf│   ├── Shoulder│   │   ├── Basic Shoulder ROM and stabilization Routine│   │   │   ├── Arms down below.jpg│   │   │   ├── arms-in-a-t-position.jpg│   │   │   ├── Arms overhead – forward-back.mp4│   │   │   ├── Arms overhead – rotations clockwise.mp4│   │   │   ├── Arms overhead – rotations counterclockwise.mp4│   │   │   ├── External rotation.mp4│   │   │   └── Lateral raise to 45deg.mp4│   │   ├── Basic Shoulder ROM and stabilization Routine.mp4│   │   ├── Scapula Mobilization Routine│   │   │   ├── Band Dislocates.mp4│   │   │   ├── Band Scapular Push Ups.mp4│   │   │   ├── Overhead Straight Arm Pull Down.mp4│   │   │   └── The Whippet.mp4│   │   └── Scapula Mobilization Routine.mp4│   ├── The Floreio Project – Mobility.pdf│   └── Wrist│       ├── Palm Pulses .mp4│       ├── Wrist Preparation for Handstands.mp4│       ├── Wrist rocks.mp4│       └── Wrist Routine.mp4├── Skill Work│   ├── Equilibre│   │   ├── Air Baby Progressions│   │   │   ├── Air Baby Extensions.mp4│   │   │   ├── Crow Pose Frog Stand.mp4│   │   │   ├── Crow Pose Tutorial with Antranik.mp4│   │   │   └── Static Air Baby.mp4│   │   ├── Handstand Progressions│   │   │   ├── Handstand Blocks Climbs.mp4│   │   │   ├── Handstand Body Line Wall Drill.mp4│   │   │   ├── Handstand Straighten Into Line.mp4│   │   │   └── Out of Hand.mp4│   │   └── The Floreio Project – Equilibre.pdf│   ├── Floreio movements│   │   ├── Au Cortado – Cut Up Cartwheel│   │   │   ├── Au Cortado.mp4│   │   │   ├── Au Cortado Presses.mp4│   │   │   └── Half Au Cortado.mp4│   │   ├── Corta Capim – Grass Cutter│   │   │   ├── Corta Capim Spin.mp4│   │   │   └── Reverse Corta Capim Rotations.mp4│   │   ├── QDR Batido Progressions│   │   │   ├── Queda Batido – Advanced Variation.mp4│   │   │   └── Queda Batido – Easy Variation.mp4│   │   ├── Queda De Rins – Stab Fall of the Kidneys – QDR Rotations│   │   │   ├── QDR Circles.mp4│   │   │   ├── QDR Rotational Push Ups Beginner.mp4│   │   │   ├── QDR Rotational Push Ups Intermidiate & Advanced.mp4│   │   │   └── Static QDR Easiest to Hardest Variations Static One Arm.mp4│   │   ├── Role│   │   │   └── Role.mp4│   │   ├── Rotations into High Bridge│   │   │   ├── Rotations Into High Bridge Advanced.mp4│   │   │   └── Rotations Into High Bridge Beginner.mp4│   │   ├── Rotations into Low Bridge│   │   │   ├── Bridge Rotations Using Wall Tutorial with Antranik.mp4│   │   │   ├── Rotations Into Low Bridge Advanced.mp4│   │   │   └── Rotations Into Low Bridge Beginner.mp4│   │   └── Skill – The Floreio Movements.pdf│   ├── Locomotion│   │   ├── Locomotion Conditioning Routine Advanced.mp4│   │   ├── Locomotion Conditioning Routine Beginner.mp4│   │   ├── Locomotion Conditioning Routine Intermidiate.mp4│   │   ├── Locomotion Research.mp4│   │   └── The Floreio Project – Locomotion.pdf│   └── Waves-Balls-Whips-Rails-Grass-Tendon-Coffee.mp4└── Strength work    ├── Bridge work    │   ├── Basic Bridge Push Ups.mp4    │   ├── One Arm Bridge Push Ups.mp4    │   └── One Leg Bridge Push Ups.mp4    ├── Core    │   ├── 0-90 Hanging Leg Raises.mp4    │   ├── One Arm Hanging Leg Raises.mp4    │   └── Swedish Bench Hanging Leg Raises.mp4    ├── Explosive Leg Work    │   ├── Explosive Flipping Exercises.mp4    │   ├── Jump Into Box – Iso Squat.mp4    │   └── Jump Into Box – Standing.mp4    ├── Full Body Conditioning Combinations    │   ├── Beginners Guide to Pistol Squats with Antranik.mp4    │   ├── Eccentric Pistol One Arm Side Push Up Intermidiate.mp4    │   ├── Eccentric Pistol Side Push Up Beginner.mp4    │   └── Pistol One Arm Side Push Up Advanced.mp4    ├── Harop Curl    │   ├── Harop Curl Advanced.mp4    │   └── Harop Curl Beginner.mp4    ├── Miscellaneous    │   └── Shoulderstand Roll.webm    ├── Pulling    │   ├── 90-90 Iso Pull Up Hang.mp4    │   └── 90-90 One Arm Iso Chin Up Hang.mp4    ├── Pushing    │   ├── NDA Lateral One Arm Push Ups.mp4    │   └── NDA Lateral Push Ups Beginner.mp4    ├── Shrimp Squats    │   ├── The Shrimp Advanced.mp4    │   └── The Shrimp Beginner & Intermediate.mp4    ├── Support Holds using Stall bars (Swedish bars)    │   ├── Rings Turned Out Support Hold (RTO SH).mp4    │   ├── Swedish Bars Back Support.mp4    │   └── Swedish Bars Front Support.mp4    ├── The Floreio Project – Strength work.pdf    └── Tripod Headstand Press Work        ├── Gatherings Advanced.mp4        ├── Gatherings Beginner.mp4        └── Gatherings Intermidiate.mp4More about Ido Portal: Free:


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