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Andrew Austin – Weight Loss Using Metaphors of Movement

Andy Austin – Weight Loss Process Using the Metaphos of Movement.AVI
[1 Video – Avi]



Weight Loss, using metaphors of Movement -Client SessionAndrew T. AustinDescriptionLori had successfully lost 150 pounds over a period of two years, with an intense program of exercise and food monitoring. However, for the last year she had “hit a plateau” with no further progress. In his uniquely creative and provocative style, neurolinguist and clinical hypnotherapist Andrew T. Austin helps Lori explore her “plateau” metaphor in detail, providing her with a range of new behavioral choices.Whether you or your clients have “hit a plateau,” are “stuck in a rut,” or just “aren’t going anywhere,” when you watch this video you will learn more about how to use metaphors of Movement to “head in the right direction”—towards powerful yet elegant changes with yourself and others. NLP client session 82 Minutes 2009


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