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Andrei Patrushev – Star Wanderer

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Audio programs presented on the disc are based on the ideas of the French otolaryngologist Tomatis, supplemented and developed by his students, plus precisely selected (with a unique modern electronic equipment) binaural beats to facilitate entry into the special meditative state.Programs are built on the basis of fractal mathematics, which prevents the physiological addiction.Each program can be listened to individually, but still the best effect is achieved by listening to the entire disc.The first program is the “Earth” – the interaction of the matrix of the Earth, the Sun and the Man. Designed to harmonize with the contour of your energy between the Earth-Sun system. Just synchronize the activities of the bioelectric activity of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain to adjust the body to work with other programs on the disk. With this software, not recommended for more than 45 minutes.pic2-I program “Star Flight” includes sounds of the entire range of sound perception. These sounds interact legally Golden Section. As a result, the program “Space flight” not only trains and stimulates the brain for high performance but also ensures optimal energy balance.The sounds on the disc directly interact with specific areas of the brain, causing a biochemical response in the production of hormones and peptides neyroregulyatornyh, resulting in a significant improvement in the implementation of the various functions of the brain and, as a consequence – to improve health. With this software, not recommended for more than 45 minutes.Third program “New World” is designed to encourage creativity, remove mental blocks when thinking of a problem (if you are stuck), charging the body and brain with new energy. With this software, not recommended for more than 45 minutes.4th program “Solar Wind” – is designed to adjust the body to the natural frequency of the Earth, or rather, the Earth’s ionosphere, which varies with specific frequencies (called Schumann resonance frequencies) under the action of the solar wind. This is a deeply meditative and healing sounds, allowing a very good rest after severe physical, emotional and mental stress.Electromagnetic pollution (television, radio, microwave, electric wiring in the walls of buildings) will bring down the human body with a natural rhythm. As a consequence, may have different cardiovascular disorders, low immunity, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc. The sounds of the “Land” literally shield you from a variety of electromagnetic pollution of the surrounding space, because the body during the entire evolution tuned to this rhythm and quickly returns to him in the presence of a weak pacemaker.Athletes who have listened to this track immediately after intense training or competition, noted the absence of the second day of pain in the muscles and the state of “weakness.” On the contrary – there is a high vitality and fun movements.This program is not limited in time, but we must bear in mind that while listening to (and about 2 hours) a few dull logical thinking (in the background enhance the imaginative – creative thinking) and slightly reduced the rate of reaction (This program can include in the background, the speakers for the harmonization of the surrounding area, such as at night).People who are regularly engaged with this drive for about a month, was seen in the following changes:- Increase creativity;- The ability to think faster than before;- Improving the short-term and long-term memory;- Improved ability to concentrate;- Improving the ability to simultaneously perform different tasks;- Expanding the range of sound perception;- Getting rid of hypersensitivity to sounds;- Improve the capacity for learning and understanding of foreign languages;- Increased confidence, reduced anxiety, and freedom from unreasonable fears;- Experience control your dreams;- Improving fine motor skills and overall ability to control your body (professional musicians, dancers, martial arts, the drivers of vehicles);- Increase of energy and vitality during the day and improve the quality of sleep at night;- The disappearance of the tinnitus;The most dramatic positive changes can be observed in children with a brand – “is not capable of learning” (hyperactivity and decreased attention, autism). There are individual data on positive changes in Down’s syndrome and stroke.However, it should be noted at once that any improvements occur after a more or less short period of exacerbation of negative symptoms (generally speaking, this phenomenon is common to all natural methods of healing.)TrainingOrganize yourself as comfortable and calm conditions. Turn off the radio and the TV, unplug the phone (or as turn down the ringer volume). Ask your loved ones do not distract you during the lesson. It is highly recommended to clean the room pets (If during deep relaxation you can jump on the chest is your favorite cat or a dog barks unexpectedly close, you will experience a very unpleasant feeling)!Drink a glass of plain clean water. A second glass of water, put together on the lesson and drink immediately after training. Water plays a huge role in our life. Poor diet leads to partial dehydration. As a result of shifting intracellular potential, which prevents the normal passage of nerve impulses. This is a fairly common cause of headaches. Owing to the strong polarity of water molecules can form a variety of structures. These structures will be a complementary electromagnetic, acoustic, thermal fields acting on the water. Please – for your own good, always follow the rule of 2 glasses of water!Starting position – lying on his back. Hands – your sides (palms down, fingers bent at – brush shalashikom) or folded across his chest, his hands under the armpits (“pull yourself together”). The surface on which you are lying should not be too soft, as on a soft surface is difficult to relax the muscles, and not too hard, because hard surface is a great burden on the muscle tissue (the best – mattress on the floor.) Clothing should be loose (especially in the waist).Weakly pressing compress on the forehead and around the head (preferably pure wool – for example, a ski cap), by contrast, improves readability. If you choose to do while sitting, make sure that your feet are fully supported by the floor, and his hands were lying loosely in her lap. These guidelines make it easier to achieve the necessary conditions and a more complete and rapid effect.The greatest effect of the lessons seen when using stereo headphones, coupled with closely spaced speakers. You can just listen to the headphones, and children – through the speakers (with a good treble) in the background (during the games and activities), establishing acceptable (comfortable) volume. A direct relationship between volume and efficiency is missing, so always select the volume level on the basis of comfort.Take a starting position (try – always one and the same). It is highly recommended for all classes to pay attention to the fact that your tongue was the most relaxed. The eyes are closed, you can look forward to the eyebrows (if it does not cause you have bad eye muscle tension). If during class you suddenly there discomfort because you, as you seem to be too entered another reality (identified with it), remember that you have total control over the situation, and in your power to stop the feeling of a different reality. Without your consent, nothing can capture you. You and only you create this effect – the product of your brain.Tell yourself firmly: “I want to get back to reality, I’m going back in a familiar environment.” Several times with force compress and uncompress your fingers, slowly open your eyes. Intense (painfully) massage the area between the eyebrows, between the nose and upper lip, between the thumb and forefinger. But, remember that you are in complete safety, it is better to “play” (survive) the situation to the end and try to find a way out of it (even the most fantastic – as in a dream), because otherwise it will be for you return (this is your internal problem to solve, which is not dependent on whether you listen drive or not).Being fully conscious, you may suddenly find that they are unable to move hand or foot. This triggered the mechanism of protection, not giving us sleepwalk and provides deep rest the body. You can just wait a little longer, enjoying recreation, – the ability to move quickly restored. If you hurry, tell yourself confidently, “Now I get up, I get up, I got (a).” You suddenly find that you have already taken. Proceed as appropriate.Some people discover that their minds as it was separated from the body, and seeing his own body from the outside, hovering near the ceiling or above the floor of the room in which they started to do. This is quite natural feel for deep relaxation – you should consider his own body and try to move, you immediately go back to their usual state.Technology OverviewIn the 50 years was the development of a method of electroencephalography (EEG), allows you to record and study the electrical potentials of the brain. It was also found that the brain is able to synchronize its frequency bioelectrical potentials with a frequency different rhythmic stimuli, such as pulses in excess of a weak electric current, light flashes and audible clicks, if frequency of stimuli is within the natural range of the frequency of electrical potentials of the brain – 0.5-42Gts (cycles per second). This discovery has created an effective system of brain training to achieve the required conditions.One of the most effective ways to organize electrical oscillations of the brain (and associated physiological conditions), while providing a high synchronization of both hemispheres are binaural beats.When listening to the sounds of nearby frequencies to separate channels (left and right), one feels the so-called binaural beats or binaural beats.For example, when one ear hears a pure tone with a frequency of 330 cycles per second, and the other – a pure tone with a frequency of 340 vibrations per second, the hemispheres of the human brain start working together, and as a result he “hears” the beat with a frequency of 340-330 = 10 vibrations in the second, but it’s not real external sound, and the “Phantom.” He is born in the human brain only add up electromagnetic waves coming from the two sides of the brain working in sync (this effect is used for centuries in the church singing).Neuroscientists have discovered that by applying binaural beats to each other in several “layers” can create rhythmic brain activity in the right direction, and cause a person to correct the EEG pattern (ie, pattern of electrical oscillations in the brain), and with it the state of consciousness, which tend to this picture.Another interesting category of sounds discovered in his study of the French otolaryngologist Alfred Tomatis. He was the first systematically investigated the effect on the human psyche by high frequency (above 5000 cycles per second).Tomatis discovered that the ear is not just “hear”, but the oscillations are perceived them, stimulate the nerves of the inner ear, where the vibrations are converted into electrical impulses, different ways to get to the brain. Some go to the hearing centers, and we perceive as sound. Others create an electrical potential in the cerebellum, which controls complex movements and balance. From there they go to the limbic system, head of our emotions and the release of various biochemical substances, including hormones that affect our bodies. Electrical potential generated sound is also transmitted to the cerebral cortex, head of the higher functions of consciousness. Thus, high-frequency sound stimulates the brain, and with it, the whole body.Another discovery Tomatis was a direct link between the range of human hearing, the range of vibrations of his voice and his level of health. Tomatis has developed a special recording process called “electronic ear”.In the process of normal sound alternately cut a high frequency, the low frequency component. When one listens to this record, the muscles of his ear trained by alternately tensing and relaxing, and this extends the range of hearing, and as a result, many disorders disappear.There are many documented studies that show, in particular, that the application of this method is enhanced creativity, improved memory and ability to concentrate, significantly improved motor coordination.It should be noted that at present these technologies are implemented and used successfully in virtually all major academic centers around the world.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


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