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Ananda Ashram – India – 20 Pranayama Technics

[1 DVD – AVI]



  PRANAYAMA FOR HEALTH AND WELL BEING20 Evergreen Techniques of Rishiculture Astanga yogaPranayama,the science of controlled conscious expansion of prana (the life force) is the fourth limb of Classical Yoga. The art and science of Pranayama has immense therapeutic potential in a wide range of psychosomatic disorders such as diabetes, hypertension and asthama. It can be used either as a monotherapy or in combination with Asanas and other aspects of Yoga.Pranayama is of vital importance to any sincere yoga practitioner trying to achieve the state of yoga. Unless the mind is controlled,the higher aspects of yoga and not possible and the best adn only way to really control the mind is by reguler,dedicated and determined practice of pranayama with awareness. consciousness and purity of thought word and deed.Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri. one of the greatest yoga masters of the past century taught more than 120 pranayamas in the Rishiculture astanga yoga system that is taught at the world famous international center for yoga education and research(ICYER) at ananda ashram. Pondicherry in south india.SECTION 1Sitting postures for pranayamavajra asanasukha asanapadma asanaSECTION 2: vibhaga pranayama(sectional breathing)sectional or lobular breathing is the “A,B,C ” of pranayama and is the beginning of good breath control. Here we learn to breathe inot the low,mind and upper sections of the lungs in a proper manner. Vibhaga pranyama is the conglomeration of lower chest breathing (ADYAM PRANYAMA), mid chest breathing (MADHYAM PRANAYAMA), Upper chest breathing(ADYAM PRANAYAMA) and complete unified breathing (MAHAT YOGA PRANAYAMA).SECTION 3: MUDRAS FOR PRANAYAMACHIN MUDRACHINMAYA MUDRAADHI MUDRABRAHMA MUDRANASARGA MUDRAVISHNU MUDRASHANMUKI MUDRA OR YONI MUDRAKAKI MUDRAKAKACHANDRA MUDRAJIHVA MUDRASECTION 4: HATHENAS:ASANAS TO HELP BREATHE BETERSECTION 5: CLEANSING BREATHSSECTION 6: ACTIVATIONSURYA PRANAYAMA, the solar breathe is performed by breathing in and out through the right nostril in a 1:2ratio. Recommended for patients of depression and narcolepsy who should practise it 27 rounds before breakfast, lunch, dinner and before going to bed.Kapalabhati, is the brain cleansing pranayama. Forcefully exhale while pushing the adbominal diaphragm upwards. Rapidly breath out actively and inhale passively through both nostrils. Do ten rounds slowly for a beginning, then another round at a faster rate and finally round off breathing as fast as possible. Enjoy the spontaneous cessation of breath ( Kevala Kumbhaka ) that occurs at the end.SECTION 7: COLING DOWNSheetali pranayamaSitkari PranayamaSECTION 8: CONTEMPLATION AND MEDITATION:Pranava pranayamaSavitri Pranayama with surya prana mudraSECTION 9: STRESS RELIEF AND RELAXATIONNasarga Mukha BhastrikaChandra PranayamaAloma viloma pranayamaSavitri pranayama in shavasana.


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