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Alan Tutt – Awaken the Avatar Within (Test Group Recordings)

Alan Tutt – Awaken The Avatar Within (Test Group Recordings)
[3 WebRips – MP3]



Please keep this material exclusive to! 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In a nutshell, here’s how to manifest your desires.The core ingredients are simple, yet there is a depth to them which may not be immediately apparent.In its simplest form, the manifestation process has 3 steps:    Relax as completely as you can.    Imagine what you want in vivid detail.    Trust that it will manifest, so much so that you actually EXPECT it.If you can do these 3 things, and do them correctly, you can manifest anything you desire.The trick is to do them correctly.  In other words, don’t just do them half-way, like a carpenter who nails together a few boards and calls the job finished.  Do them with your whole being, like a master craftsman who takes the time to carve, sand, and properly finish the job before calling it done. How to RelaxThis first step is critical.  This is what makes the connection between your mind and the Universal Divine Mind.  Without this step, manifesting is like trying to run an electric car off a AA battery.  You won’t get very far.If you look at the history of manifesting and psychic ability, you’ll know that Edgar Cayce, one of the most accurate psychics ever, was only able to do his readings while in a hypnotic trance.  The Silva Method, one of the most popular and effective tools up to this point, relies on “going to level” in order to make contact with the Universal Divine Mind.  And the original “creative visualization” process was based on Silva Method techniques.There are many other examples, but I think you get the idea.Relaxing is a highly important part of the process and not to be skipped or taken lightly.The best way to relax is to imagine your body literally shutting down, as if you’re going to sleep.  But that’s only the first step.You also have to relax your mind.  You have to turn off the flow of random thoughts, the frustrations and doubts, and you have to clear your mental space for the manifestation work.When you’ve relaxed correctly, your brain shifts out of the waking consciousness of the beta state, and shifts into the inner levels of alpha and/or theta.  This is the level of meditation and hypnosis.In fact, the deeper you go, the closer you are to the Source of Power, and the stronger your manifestation results will be.  Whereas many have produced good results by “going to alpha” as in the Silva Method, if you could go deeper (theta— aka. hypnosis), you’d get even better results.One thing that helps a great deal with relaxing is to use BrainWave Entrainment (BWE) audios to help shift your mind into the lower alpha-theta states.  There are many places online where you can get these at low cost or even for free.BTW – I have a number of such audios on this website available through THIS LINK.  The Meditation Package is the most useful one for manifestation. How to Imagine Your Desired ResultsThere are various schools of thought on this.  One says that you need to visualize your desired outcome with every detail, and the other says that as long as you imagine the main points, you’ll be okay.In my experience, you don’t need EVERY detail, but you do need to imagine your desired objective as if it were physically in front of you.  In other words, you don’t need to imagine the engine or tires of your new car, but you need to see and feel the car as if you were driving it.Let’s say that you want to attract a new romantic relationship into your life.  Imagine that you are with your “ideal lover” and that you’re spending time together doing the types of things you’d like in a real relationship.  This could be going to movies, golfing, skydiving, and/or making love.  Allow yourself to daydream about the experience and feel it in your mind as if it were physically happening.  Allow yourself to feel the emotions you would feel in that situation.Go ahead and indulge yourself.  The more you make the experience seem real, the better it will work to manifest the results you want.If you want to manifest more money into your life, imagine that you’re physically handling a pile of money, gold coins, jewelry, and other valuables.  Imagine people handing you these things and thanking you for whatever you’ve done in return.  Imagine yourself walking into the lottery office and signing the paperwork and receiving a big check.  Imagine getting checks in the mail, and watching your bank balance go up and up and up.  Imagine the people in your life congratulating you and expressing their appreciation of your newfound wealth.  Imagine how you would feel in the situation.If you want more vibrant health, imagine yourself doing the types of things you couldn’t do unless you had that level of health.  Imagine yourself feeling energetic, with an overflowing abundance of zest and joy.  Imagine yourself competing with kids half your age and beating them, or looking in the mirror and seeing a young, attractive figure in the glass.As you imagine the things you want, let the images, sounds, feelings, tastes, and smells fill your mind to the point where you lose track of your physical surroundings.  The more real you can make it, the better.When you can relax completely and imagine what you want in vivid detail, you give your deeper mind an experience that naturally leads to increased belief (the 3rd step in the process) and makes your manifestations happen quicker.And since I’ve met many folks who claim they can’t visualize, here’s the secret to developing that ability.Start by picking a small item, such as a book, cup, or piece of jewelry.  Put your whole attention on this item and really look at it.  Notice every detail you can see.  Memorize it.Now, close your eyes and recall the image you just saw.  Notice the colors, the shapes, the lines, and any other detail you can remember.Next, open your eyes again and really look at this item and notice everything about it.  Close your eyes again and recall what you just saw.Repeat this over and over again, and you will eventually reach a point where the image you see in your mind is just as clear and vivid as the image you saw with your physical eyes.Next, repeat the process with your other senses and you will have trained yourself to imagine in clear, vivid detail.Relax, pay attention, focus, and believe you can do it. How to Trust That It Will WorkUltimately, trust (or if you prefer, belief) is the most important element of this process.  In fact, if your belief is strong enough, the other 2 steps aren’t needed.  They only serve to make up for a less-than-perfect belief in the process.As mentioned above, the level of belief required is much more than “I think it COULD happen”, but closer to “I know it’s going to happen, because there’s nothing that could stop it.”This is where most folks get tripped up.  If you’ve been poor all your life, how do you EXPECT to suddenly become rich?  If you’re used to people rejecting you, how can you EXPECT to suddenly be accepted for being you, exactly as you are now?  And if you’ve suffered from health issues for years, how do you EXPECT to suddenly be healed?Most of us require a REASON to believe that a change will take place, and since we’ve been taught our entire lives that physical events are the results of physical causes, then how can we change what we believe to the point of expecting our minds to have a direct influence over the physical events in our lives?In my book, “Choose To Believe”, I devoted a whole chapter to this, including some rather startling evidence from scientific research which proves that our minds do have a direct and measurable influence on physical things.Different schools of thought have different explanations of why this works, but the bottom line is that it doesn’t matter WHY it works, just that it DOES work.  And this is the first belief you need to build within yourself if you want to manifest your desires using your inner Power.In fact, there are 2 beliefs here you need:    There is a Power that can manifest my desires.    This Power responds to my thoughts/desires/beliefs.If you want to go further, you can also build up a belief in the statement, “Manifesting my desires is easy.  All I have to do is think of what I want.”  It can also be helpful to have a belief that says, “As I relax and try new things, I get better results.”There are many tools available to help you change your beliefs.  Affirmations, visualization, and subliminal suggestions in a background audio recording all work to shift your beliefs.I even came up with a few innovations in my book, “Choose To Believe” which added some NLP components to both affirmations and visualizations, making them much more effective than normal.It’s also possible to simply decide to believe that your goals will manifest, and refuse to allow yourself to doubt the process, reaffirming your new belief whenever necessary, but this takes a LOT of willpower.  That is, unless a very specific and rare set of conditions exist.  I’ll explain this further down the page.However, all of the above tools pale in comparison to the power of hypnosis.You see, affirmations, visualization, and all the others must filter through your conscious mind before they can influence your beliefs, and your conscious mind is the “guard at the door” which compares all new information with what you already believe.This slows down the process of changing your beliefs.  To make dramatic changes quickly, you need to get the conscious mind out of the way, which is what hypnosis is all about.Here again, the more you can relax and go within yourself, the better hypnosis works.  However, there’s more to it than that.It’s also important that the hypnotist believes what they’re telling you when you’re in the trance state.  If the hypnotist doesn’t believe it, their disbelief will come through in their intonation and phrasing of the suggestions.The biggest problem with using hypnosis is that it’s almost impossible to truly hypnotize yourself.  Hypnosis works by shutting down your conscious mind and giving suggestions directly to your subconscious mind.  When you try self-hypnosis, you’re limited in how far “under” you can put yourself because once your conscious mind is asleep, there’s nothing left to give suggestions to your subconscious mind.Plus, there’s also the issue of the hypnotist already believing the suggestions he or she gives the client.  If you’re trying to hypnotize yourself, then the hypnotist is no further ahead than the client, which is an obstacle even if you record a session to play back later.This is why most people need to either hire a professional hypnotist for a series of 1-on-1 sessions, or purchase recordings designed to replace the hypnotist.The ideal approach is to hire a professional who believes in the manifesting process and understands the role beliefs play in the process.  Those who can afford this option, and can find such a hypnotist in their local area should pursue this approach.Those who cannot afford to spend $500 or more for a series of sessions, and/or cannot find such a hypnotist in their local area, must find a source of professionally-created recordings if they want to quickly restructure their belief systems to a point where they can truly EXPECT positive results when manifesting their desires.If this describes you, then I’ve got something you may be interested in.Product page:


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