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Adam Eason – Natural Hypnotic Childbirth

Adam Eason – Natural Hypnotic Childbirth
[2 CDs – MP3 – 1 PDF]



Enjoy Natural Childbirth The Way Nature Intended that the kind of message you are getting from other mums? It doesn’t have to be like that — you know that, don’t you?Well, please do know that as of today.This audio programme allows you to be free to let your body do what it knows how to naturally and intuitively.That’s right, and that is what this audio programme is all about. Can you imagine a birth without fear or anxiety — one that is actually filled with comfort and joy? How aware are you that childbirth should be where mother and baby are joined in loving peace and comfort?Hypnosis is an easy way to create a beautifully tranquil state in the mind and body that lets all your muscles relax so deeply that anxiety or fear are an impossibility, instead you experience your muscles releasing adrenaline, endorphins and all the feelgood chemicals so pain is released and comfort ensues.Let me tell you some of what you learn in this audio programme:How to bond and connect with your unborn baby in the womb — let them know they are loved and wanted. How to master natural anaesthesia at will. How to go into a state of deep hypnosis at will. How to relax hypnotically anytime and any place. How to be free of old fears. How to let go of old programming. How to enjoy the childbirth experience. How to let go and reduce pain naturally. How to allow your body to do what it knows how to do so easily and naturally. How to programme your mind to expect a wonderful childbirth experience. You learn much more on many levels as your use of the audio programme continues and you learn that anyone can have an enjoyable, natural childbirth experience — this programme is simple enough for anyone to use and benefit from.Available for purchase as a CD Set and an MP3 Digital Download.So much enthralling material is packed into this audio programme for you!Here is what you get with this audio programme:Two volumes of techniques, advice and strategies on how to use your mind throughout the childbirth experience. Fully comprehensive introduction to hypnosis and how to use it. Guide of how to make the most of this programme. 3 hypnosis sessions for childbirth preparation. Hypnosis for creating your ideal future childbirth experience. Hypnosis to develop anchors with or without your birthing partner for advancing anaesthesia and calmness. Step-by-step guide to releasing any fears or previous negative programming about childbirth. Hypnosis session for use during labour. Self-hypnosis mastery hypnosis session. 2 natural balancing and relaxation hypnosis sessions to ensure your body is functioning at its best throughout your pregnancy. In addition, you also get:Several volumes of information on natural pain control. Several hypnosis sessions on overcoming and recoding pain in your mind. Full training in hypnotic pain management. This wonderful audio programme offers you a natural method of allowing your body to give birth to your baby in a stress-free, pain-free, joyous and comfortable environment.Over the years I have worked with many women to help them have natural and easy childbirth experiences, and now I have put all of that experience and all of those techniques into this audio programme for you.Many new mothers that used hypnosis for childbirth with me said that they experience pressure and sensation during birth, but not pain. What many women experience as pain in childbirth is very often the result of the unnatural process of learned fear and anxiety, which creates muscle tension, tightness and clamping, which leads to pain.How is your body supposed to give birth?When you teach your mind and body to respond as it should in childbirth, you also understand how the uterus actually works, and how old fears and anxieties can result in tension and pain. You realise that it is that detrimental cycle that obstructs the natural process of birth. That anxiety, tension or fear actually impedes the body’s natural ability to give birth as it should — it is like you are teaching your body to have problems! However, I am sure that you are now understanding how it is possible to teach yourself, your mind and body to experience childbirth in a joyous, easy and comfortable way.Many hypnotherapists that I speak to that work with regression techniques often talk about how people’s birth experience has affected the life of that individual.I myself was a forceps birth. My mother struggled to have me naturally and was pulled out quite violently causing scarring to my head. Many therapists in my early life thought that my inability to complete tasks for myself came as a result of my birth.Those first few moments when entering the world can be made beautiful, encouraging and nurturing for your child, or they can be born into a world of noise of violence in those first few moments — which do you think is going to be the best to programme the mind of your baby as they are born?It is believed by many that a large part of who we are could be a result of our birth. What is the first experience of the world going to be like for your baby? What happens during those first moments, when you reduce the amount of trauma to the baby during the childbirth process, when it is gentle, easy and comfortable, your baby feels loved, connected with and of course many believe that you produce a happier baby, and a more fulfilled adult.Do you believe in you?As you are sure to know already, your belief creates a physical change. Our beliefs about our reactions and physiology affect our state of being. You can create changes in your body and mind simply by thinking about the outcome. The beliefs that you unconsciously have can allow your body to be free of old limitations, and allow your body to be as you wish it to be – comfortable, free and easy during childbirth. This programme helps you to adopt the right beliefs that enhance your childbirth experience.What are some benefits to you of natural hypnotic childbirth?Just realising how much you are in control of your physiology enhances your confidence and self-esteem. Think about how you are going to feel about yourself after you have used your mind in such a profoundly amazing way! It gives you confidence that so much more is possible in this life. Many people feel say that they are more confident about their life in general. Your baby is born in a stress-free environment, so conductive to a happy, joyful entry to the world. You feel good! Simply, it is an enjoyable experience. You realise how to develop a relationship with your own mind and body that you may never have dreamed possible. There are so many more benefits that you can think of too, I just know it. You are the only one who knows the reasons that matter to you personally, have a good think about them now.Imagine how good you feel if you no longer dread the prospect of giving birth… You can read about this programmes techniques and decide for yourself how good your childbirth experience is going to be when you learn to be in control of your body and mind.Is this audio programme right for you?If you are open to the possibility that you can change your childbirth experience with your mind and have the desire to be free of outmoded thoughts, fears and beliefs that have caused you to worry about having your baby in the past, then this audio programme is right for you. All that is required for this to be a life-changing success for you and your baby is an open mind and an idea of what you want to achieve. Add to that some regular time investment until you get the results you are after.FREE Bonus With This Audio ProgrammeI know from my own experience that it is essential to learn how to relax deeply at certain times in your life, so I have put together a special hypnosis session for nothing more than relaxation and I am going to give you that for no extra cost. That’s right, you get that as a bonus for purchasing your copy of this programme today.This hypnosis session is FREE to you as my thanks for investing in this audio programme, the hypnosis session has whole brain technology that means that certain words and sounds resonate with different parts of your brain to ensure you the most beneficially deep relaxation experience; just imagine that, it is like having your own pair of hypnotists, one lulling you in each ear, relaxing you to go deeper and deeper into a wonderful state now. With especially composed and designed music, this is a wonderful experience that is all yours with this programme.Yet Another FREE Bonus When You Order This ProgrammeYou know what a great bonus that was, but here is another. When you order this programme, you will also receive the 55,000 word, octane-fuelled, cutting-edge ebook, “The Happy Brain Manual”, that is available nowhere else in the world except through Adam Eason.This amazing ebook has 27 chapters with articles designed for you to get in control of your brain.You will learn how to make more of your brain in a vast number of different ways using self-hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, emotional intelligence and various other forms of modern psychological technology that will transform the way you use your brain resources forever.


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