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Abram Hoffer – Healing Children’s Attention & Behavior Disorders Complementary Nutritional & Psychological Treatments

Healing Children’s Attention & – Abram Hoffer.pdf(1)

Description Exclusive and part of a Group Buy… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Brought to you by the GB status -Open GB thread – Hoffer – Healing Children’s Attention & Behavior Disorders Complementary Nutritional & Psychological Treatments…Product Description New hope for children with ADD and behavioural disorders. Food allergies and nutrient deficiency are the predominant causes of chronic attention and behaviour disorders, says Dr Hoffer, who has treated over 2,000 children. Nutritional therapy is superior to pharmaceutical, psychotherapeutic, and surgical intervention in treating these disorders. Nutritional therapy for both physical and mental illness restores well-being with a combination of optimum nutrition from common foods and vitamin and mineral supplements. The book features: case studies; guides to the nutrient content of common foods; optimum diet plans; guides to vitamin and mineral supplements for children, with recommended dosages.5 Star Amazon Review I’m rating this book 5 star, because the criterion for Amazon 5-star rating is “I love this book!”, and I really do. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to know the foundations of orthomolecular medicine, and the basics of nutrition for children.The late and great Dr. Hoffer, one of my lifetime heroes, was most important pioneer of orthomolecular medicine, which I believe will one day be recognized as primary medicine, the primary disease prevention modality and first line of cure. This is especially true of psychiatric medicine, the convention approach to which has never found a cure for anything. On the contrast, the orthomolecular approach as outlined in the present book actually cures people, sending them back to their families and society as well beings. Perhaps the greatest strength of this book is that many actual case histories are brought, turning theory into proven fact.PLEDGE NOW TO GAIN ACCESS  GB Thread …


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