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Abraham Kryger, M.D. – Listen to Your Hormones: A Doctor’s Guide to Sex, Love, & Long Life

Abraham Kryger – Listen to your Hormones_TP


Abraham Kryger, M.D., D.M.D.Listen to Your Hormones: A Doctor’s Guide to Sex, Love, & Long Life© 2005 Abraham Harvey Kryger (9780974863412) (format: CD-R)Using extensive medical evidence for inspiration, this 14-hour must-have audio book for men (and the women who love them) cuts through the hype and confusion about the most misunderstood aspects of men’s health: the vital role of hormones.tracks    1 Title, Credits, Copyright, & Disclaimer    2 Foreword, by John Robbins    3 Acknowledgements    4 Introduction    5 Universal Power    6 Human Rhythms and Sex    7 Irritable Male Syndrome    8 The Raw Power of Light    9 Hormones are not Sexist    10 The Hormone of Darkness    11 How Hormone Deficiencies Cause Symptoms    12 The Love Hormone: Is It Real?    13 Sparking Your Sex Life – Part 1    14 Sparking Your Sex Life – Part 2    15 Erectile Dysfunction and What to Do About It    16 Erections and Viagra: Does it Work for Everybody?    17 Testosterone, a Safe and Natural Aphrodisiac    18 DHT and Its Function    19 How Estrogen Affects Male Sexual Function    20 Remembering the Mother of All Hormones    21 Sexual Function and the Suckling Hormone    22 The SAD Disease and the Absence of Happiness    23 Hormone Dysfunction During Depression    24 The Sad Days of Menopause    25 Mid-life Crisis and Male Andropause    26 Depression and Sexual Dysfunction    27 The Secret to Treating Depression Successfully    28 Testosterone Hormone Gels    29 Dopamine: Hormonal Rescue from Depression and Attention Deficit    30 Chemical Meltdown    31 Hormones Can Get Mixed Up / Cancer From Estrogen    32 Toxic Products and Their Effects on Children    33 Alcohol, Nicotine and Testosterone    34 Dioxin, the Most Toxic Substance Known to Man    35 Let’s Stop Poisoning Ourselves    36 Meat and the Development of Man    37 Proteins, Fat and Energy in Meat    38 Cutting our Toxic Load    39 Can We Still Save the Planet?    40 Self-Esteem, Aggression and Testosterone    41 The Big T    42 Diagnosing Testosterone Deficiency    43 The Origin of Testosterone and Estrogen    44 Do You Know Your Hormone Levels?    45 Saliva Hormone Testing–Is it Accurate?    46 The Prostate: An Important Sex Gland    47 The Real Culprit in Prostate Cancer    48 Aging and Testosterone    49 Slowing the Aging Process with Testosterone    50 The Penis and Castration    51 Penis Size–Does It Really Make a Difference? – Part 1    52 Penis Size–Does It Really Make a Difference? – Part 2    53 Myths about Testosterone – Part 1    54 Myths about Testosterone – Part 2    55 Hormone Replacement: Injections or Gels    56 Becoming a Boy–or a Girl    57 The Biology of Homosexuality    58 Straight or Gay: Biology or Choice?    59 Handedness, Hormones and Sexual Identity    60 Heredity and Homosexuality    61 A History of Testosterone Development    62 Players in the Marketing of Testosterone and Other Hormones    63 How Your Government Looks Out for You–or Says it Does    64 Dependence on Testosterone    65 Contrived Hormone Shortages Don’t Help Anyone – Part 1    66 Contrived Hormone Shortages Don’t Help Anyone – Part 2    67 Changing Attitudes: Our Greatest Challenge    68 Marketing Mania for a Better Life / Rejuvenators or False Hope    69 Growing Old in Spite of Human Growth Hormone    70 IGF-1, Mankind’s Gift from Human Growth Hormone    71 Should Aging be Treated as a Disease?    72 How Nutrients Affect Aging / Sex After Seventy    73 Memory and Intelligence–Hormones in Your Brain    74 Modifying Your Food Choices    75 Americans Deserve Good Health    76 Longer Life with HGH–Myth or Reality?    77 The Quest for Long Life    78 Boosting Our Hormones / Anabolic Steroids and the Perfect Body    79 Misunderstood Hormone / The Truth about Testosterone, Motivation    80 Love, Libido and Hormones    81 Can You Restore Passion to Your Love Life?    82 Is Our Environment Spoiling Our Food?    83 It’s Not Too Late    84 The ‘Sexy Trio’ Can Renew Youthfulness    85 You Don’t Have to Wait for Your Doctor to Diagnose    86 Toxic Chemicals Lead to Testosterone Deficiency    87 Bioidentical, Natural Hormones are More Potent    88 Oxytocin Plays a Vital Role in Sexual Arousal and Much More    89 Sex and Mankind    90 A Trail to New Heights    91 Appendix A – The Power of TestoCreme    92 Appendix B – Your Healthright: Why Americans Deserve Good HealthThis unabridged MP3 audiobook CD contains more than 14 hours of high-quality MP3 files and is ready for direct play on MP3-capable CD players, DVD players, and computers.  The files can also be uploaded to any MP3 player or other MP3-capable portable device.


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