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Abraham Hicks – Law Of Attraction In Action Ep 1 – 7

Law Of Attraction In Action
[ 14 Video – MP4]



Each Episode contain 2 videos. All are encoded in Small size MP4 for easy viewing. From 7 GB to 2.1 GB EPISODE ONE CONTAINS:    Attracting rage: Can an actor delve into all the angry, dark emotions without attracting unwanted things into his “real” life?    Mad at Dad: How do you stop attracting all that old father/son emotional baggage? “Let’s break this down,” says Abraham, “because it’s really hard not to give a rip about someone that you’ve wanted to love your whole life.”    Caged and muzzled: You’ve attracted your passion at work but you’ve been stopped cold-and it’s making you sick!    Stuck in depression: “If depression seems more comfortable to you than anger, it means you care more about how other people feel about how you feel than you care about how you feel about how you feel.” Moving through anger to get to the other side.    It’s only words? Are mantras just meaningless words? Does saying “want” keep you from having? What about words used in prayer? How do the specific words we use affect what we attract?    Tough to love? Drinking, drugs, broken curfews . . . “A lot of my life revolves around a difficult 19-year old daughter who’s had a difficult path.” A few pointers from Infinite Intelligence.    Tick Tock? The nature of time; aging; the universe expanding . . . linear time for timeless beings. Abraham helps us get a handle on “the perception of time” — slowing time down, and “walking through tomorrow — today.”    THE Book: How do the teachings of Abraham jive with traditional Christianity . . . or with any religion, for that matter?   With an amusing “early days” tale of Jerry and Esther somehow finding themselves on a “Bible-belt” phone-in radio show!    Can The Law of Attraction be scientifically proven? A more detailed analysis of “The Law.” And how do emotion and matter interact to attract?    And much much more . . . Answers and inspiration from the Non-Physical entity Abraham — whom Esther Hicks calls “infinite intelligence”and Jerry Hicks refers to as “the purest form of love I’ve ever encountered”.EPISODE TWO CONTAINS:    Dark Forces: “ I study with amazing healers who tell me to say prayers of protection and to surround myself with White Light. And I think, Why should I do that?” Do we need to be wary of “the dark side”?    To be aware of our ”awareness“: “. . . Something very important coming here,” Abraham pauses to say. “Your question has taken us into a new place. So give us a moment to give it to Esther and she will give it to you in a reasonable manner.” . . . Abraham goes deep.    Non-Physical vs. Physical reality: What life is like from Abraham’s Non-Physical point-of-view.    Childhood brainwashing, family reunions & running away to the circus! How does one recover from a childhood of suppressed intuition & emotion? “This is a big one friends. This is at the heart of every human relationship.” Abraham talks about “control” and what’s behind a desire to “change our life and try something new.”    What about people creating stuff we don’t want? If everybody gets to create their own reality, what about people creating things the rest of us don’t want in our lives?    Leaving Corporate America: Abraham’s take on what many people are feeling — the desire to leave their ‘Corporate’ jobs and find fulfillment elsewhere.EPISODE THREE CONTAINS:    Total, permanent world peace: Can it be achieved? Should we even try?    Oh, to cruise the oceans of bliss: . . . but you can’t afford it?! Closing the gap between your now reality and your vibrational escrow.    Anchors of resistance and his paralyzed face: If you’ve got negative emotion and you ignore it — don’t worry — something else will show up!    Proving you’re “right” in court: Abraham talks about the true cost of litigation.    Land of the free? When our own government starts to tread on our fundamental freedoms, don’t we have a responsibility to stand up for ourselves?    Ohmygodwhatifmydoggetsrunoverbyacaror – myhouseburnsdownwhileI’mgone? What to do when your vivid imagination runs wild with horrible thoughts!    To do or not to do? What’s the right mix between doing something and simply allowing thought-energy to flow?    Men and women—are there fundamental differences? It often seems as though she wants to settle down while he wants to be free. Are we — deep inside — different?    She’s ready — REALLY ready — for a baby: Fertility specialists, acupuncturists, detoxing, organics, a healthy and prepared body . . . trusting, trying to feel positive . . . What to do when something you really, really want . . . just ain’t showin’ up!    Take this job and . . . DO it! Dealing with a very bossy boss who says, “Do this thing I’m pretty sure you don’t want to do, and I don’t want to hear any guff about it.”EPISODE FOUR CONTAINS:    Weight-loss Abraham-style! She’s done every diet, taken every pill, read every book. How can she go downstream about her body?    A helping hand: What happens when we try to give something to someone who isn’t asking?    Our judicial system and our society: A prison-system counselor seeks Abraham’s advice on how best to interact with the incarcerated.    Putting a motor on your boat? Can we speed up the process of manifesting our desires?    Drugs and your Inner Being: How does marijuana effect one’s ability to connect to intuition and instinct?    Law of Attraction trumps all: Where does the Law of Attraction sit in relationship to the other laws of the Universe?    Relationships—how far back do they go? Do we set up relationship contracts before we’re born? How to stop repeating the same relationship mistakes over and over and over again.    Baby, where did our love go? Why does the magic of a new relationship always seem to eventually fade?    The man she’s into isn’t into her: You think you’ve been going with the flow and yet you end up finding yourself in “relationship hell.”EPISODE FIVE CONTAINS:    Spreading happiness: His name is “Happy,” and he wants to write a book based on Abraham’s teachings.    Becoming a “blended being”: How can he talk to God without having to rave dance all night to do it?    How’s the water? Abraham is asked about water purity in today’s modern world.    On medicine and healing: What “true medicine” is all about.    Was the secret edited from The Secret? The “joyously humorous” story of how Non-Physical references continue to be edited out—even in modern times.    Legalizing hemp: “This is something I’ve dedicated my entire life to. . . .” our questioner begins.    Why do I keep doing what I’m doing? Abraham offers a “vibrational adjustment.”    Toast? Toasters? Has Non-Physical Abraham ever been physical? Clearing up a few misconceptions.    Esther and The Secret: Starting from “forsaken,” Esther works her way back up the Emotional Scale.    Clean and sober: Abraham’s treatise on the Alcoholics Anonymous “Twelve Step Program.”    Soul mates: Defining the concept.EPISODE SIX CONTAINS:    Winning the lottery! Can the Law of Attraction help you win big bucks?    What’s the chakra system all about? “You have trillions of cells, and all of them are energy points as well.” Abraham brings it down to basics.    Meditation is: “. . . the best process we know of for releasing resistance and tuning yourself to your higher vibration.” Why a short, daily meditation makes sense.    The age-old question of “finding your path”: Abraham suggests feeling your way instead of thinking your way. Tips on how to make your path “light up”!    A blue beach is calling me: Getting what you want means being aligned with your desire. How to feel it first.    Global warming: Yikes! Are we responsible? What can we do about it? . . . Abraham suggests chilling.    His brother has cerebral palsy: Is there a way to communicate vibrationally? Abraham offers an enthusiastic “Yes!” and explains how to do it.    Past-life fear? Can we be influenced by something we have previously lived?    Counseling the counselor: A couchful of questions from a psychotherapist. Should we take patients through past trauma? What about unremorseful people? And “How could children manifest their own abuse?”    Teach our children? How can we help our children see Source within themselves?    Our school system and those who struggle within it: Some parental advice.EPISODE SEVEN CONTAINS:    “You are supposed to get everything you want.”He’s lost his fear of death, but now the idea of being eternal is a little unsettling!    Long-term, committed relationships: “From our point of view,” says Abraham, “there’s only one relationship to attend to – and that’s the one between you and you. The rest will take care of itself.”    Is it possible for human beings to fly? “We can’t say that all things are possible and then say – except that.”    Sex – just for the fun of it: Is it possible? Without anyone getting hurt?    Indigo Children: “They are not unique in that they have access to MORE energy, it is that they have less resistance to the energy that you ALL have access to.”    Weight loss: What to do when it’s hard not to notice what-is because it’s staring at you from the mirror.    Judgment and punishment: What’s with these disconnected people? When murderers finally die, do they feel any regret over what they have done?    A lifetime of anger: “If you are feeling powerlessness, then anger is the next logical step – isn’t it?”    Zest for life! An Abraham-inspired routine to help you spend your days in fresh, positive energy.    Sweet dreams aren’t made of this: “An unsettling dream is an indication of discord in your vibration.” Dream analysis Abraham-style.    PLUS: The deliciously-detailed story of how Jerry & Esther came to know Abraham.


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