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David Copeland and Ron Louis – Make Her Pursue You: The Advanced Bad Boy Training Course

David Copeland and Ron Louis – Make Her Pursue You The Advanced Bad Boy Training Course [15 DVDs – DivX, 1 CD – MP3, 8 eBooks – PDF]
[15 DVDs – Xvid, 1 CD – MP3, 8 eBooks – PDF]



This is a Group Buy, for the love of God do not leak, a ban will result! and a spell cast so that your dick falls off whilst having sex!!! Introducing “Make Her Pursue You: The Advanced Bad Boy Training Course”After  3+ years of “dissecting the bad boy,” David and I decided that we would do a one-time live workshop where we’d “spill the beans on” everything we have learned about how bad boys get women to pursue THEM, and make it into a DVD course any man could use.We had never done a course where we were so determined to give everything a man would need to have a core-level change in his relationships with women.But we did it.We decided that there would be classroom time, where we would explain every aspect of becoming the “bad boy” that women felt compelled to pursue.We also wanted guys to see demonstrations of seductive, “Bad Boy Disconnecting Conversations” with women. We wanted guys to see, step by step, exactly how to use “bad boy” Disconnectors with real women.We wanted them to see us “giving women shit,” teasing women, and even fighting with women.Then we wanted to give them time to ask questions, and to hear our answers as to why we did what we did.But we wanted to do a lot more than that… So we also set up the workshop so that the guys themselves would have plenty of practice… Which we would then critique.I know this all sounds pretty amazing, and you are probably wondering why you didn’t hear about it. You see, we worked hard to keep it “under the radar,” so we would have a small, hand-picked group of men. We wanted (and got) a true cross-section of guys, from young to old, attractive to ugly (hey, I’m being totally honest here). We had men from all walks of life and with all levels of wealth and success.So we ran that workshop, and videotaped it…But we also added 2 more key ingredients that made it go “off the charts”…We brought in 2 of our top instructors for special, “bonus” sections on “The Secrets of One-Night Stands,” “Mastering Bars,” “the Secrets of Body Language and style,” and “the Secrets of 3-ways with Multiple Women.”After literally months of editing, the 15-DVD course was finally done… And soon you’ll be able to get all these benefits for yourself, without having to travel to a seminar, and in the comfort and convenience of your own home.What You Get With This Unique ProgramThere are 3 main parts to the program:First: Six “Classroom” DVDs. The “Classroom DVDs” are about one thing, and one thing only: Giving you the frame of mind you need to be effortlessly be a “bad boy” with women.Second: Six “Demonstration” DVDs. The “Demonstration DVDs” are about giving you the “experience” of being a bad boy with women.Third: Three “Bonus” DVDs. These are specific break-out sessions with guest experts on topics you NEED to know about.David and I will explain to you in personal and complete detail:   * Exactly what “Disconnecting” with a woman is, and why you must do it, or be stuck alone.   * The different types of “Disconnection,” and when to use each one.   * How to use Disconnections in approaches with women, step by step.   * How being a “Hard to Get/Disconnecting Man” is the secret to “bad boy” success… And how to stop yourself from slipping into being “easy to get” or “impossible to get” instead. (Take it from me, if you think you are being “hard to get” with women, but are being “impossible to get” instead, you’ll never get the girl. This is probably the most common mistake that we see men make when they try to be a “bad boy”… and you’ll find out how to stop it on these DVDs.)   * How to use Disconnecting, “hard to get” bad boy actions to make women work for YOUR approval.   * How to break the “beauty trance,” once and for all.  Most men know that you need to treat a beautiful woman like an ugly one if you want her to pursue you. But knowing you should do it is not the same as being able to do it. You’ll find out how to break the “beauty trance” and be able to be yourself even with the hottest of women.   * How to use intensity to seduce women. If you’ve ever been criticized by a woman for being “too intense,” you’ll be very interested in this way to use intensity to your seductive advantage.   * Most normal guys “smooth themselves out” around women. That is, they try to be “all things to all women,” and to not put a woman off in any way.     That is the opposite of what a “bad boy” does. You’ll discover how easy it is to you passion, drama, mystery, complexity, and even chaos to become the kind of guy women want to seduce.   * How to turn “interactions” into “events.” Women love excitement, drama, and “events.” Most men try to eliminate those things, especially when they are trying to get a woman into bed. “Bad boys,” however, are expert at creating “events” with women… and the good news is, it’s simpler than you think.In the six “Demonstration” DVDs (I’ll talk about them in just a minute) you’ll see real-life examples of conflict bringing men and women together. And in the six “Classroom” DVDs, you’ll learn exactly   * How to have a conflict with a woman in a way that makes her think she can’t have you, and thus want to pursue you,   * What to keep in mind while having a conflict so you don’t lose your cool, and   * How to “ride through” a conflict with a woman and get to the “make up” that happens on the other side of it.If there was only one thing I could teach you about being a “bad boy” and having bad boy success with women, it would be these simple tools to surviving and even thriving through conflicts with women.Think of it this way: Arousal is arousal. When you know how to have conflict like a “bad boy” does, and when you know how to ride through conflict with a woman, you will be much closer to sex with her than if you were boring and agreeable.I’m so excited to get this information to you I can hardly stand it. Once we realized this piece, we were able to really start having fun with little conflicts with women… and we were amazing how easily we could use these tools to “draw to us” women who were mean, bitchy, or in high demand.You’ll discover:   * How to use “confusion” to keep a woman working for your approval. And it’s actually easier than what you’ve been doing!   * Our new, killer technique for moving conflict to sex by you “giving in.” It sure is crazy sounding, but it sure does work!   * 5 Things you can say that are “anger busters.” If you are in a conflict with a woman, how to get out of it in a way that makes her want to pursue you– rather than giving some weak apology that makes you unappealing to her.   * How to refuse her compliments to make her pursue you even harder. Did you know that when a woman compliments you, it can take you out of the “driver’s seat” in the interaction, and put her back in it? It’s an easy trap to fall into, but if you don’t handle her compliments properly, they will make her not want you.   * How to not explain yourself to women, but to make women explain themselves to you.   * How to create conversations that are “all over the map” but exciting, fun and (most of all) seductive! (And as a bonus, it’s easier than what you are doing now!)   * How to welcome drama like a bad boy, to make you that “frustrating guy” that she can’t get enough of.   * Why conflicts, handled properly, last much less time than you think.   * How to use the “no-segue segue” to avoid the trap of feeling like you are asking too many questions, or like you are interrogating a woman by asking too many questions.   * How to “Change Direction” like a “bad boy.” If you can get one skill going with women that will make a huge difference, it’s “Changing Direction.” More than almost anything else at this seminar, men were floored by how much easier convesations with women became once they knew how to do this… And how much more exiting, interesting sexy and fun the interactions became.   * How to create “storylines” in your seductions.   * How to find “Edges” that slightly bother women, and use them to get her hot and bothered about you.   * How to use drama in a “bad boy” seduction so it works FOR you, not against you.Discover the “Bad Boy” Way of Approaching Women– it’s Way Easier and More Fun Than What You’re Doing Now!In the “Make Her Pursue You” DVD course, you’ll get all the insider secrets of every moment of every step of the “bad boy” approach.Most men think that the approach is about being smooth. It’s not. It’s about throwing out a few things and gathering information from her responses to them. This actually makes approaching much easier, because you can lead with a few simple things you have memorized, and easily take it to the next step as you need to.You’ll discover:   * The difference between an approach and an “opening line”… And how opening lines will always betray you if you don’t know how to use them.   * How a good approach has both “Connection” and “Disconnection” in it… and why that’s much easier, and even makes her do a lot of the work!   * The 3 parts of the “bad boy” approach, and how to know which part you are in at any given time.   * How to amplify her response to your approach to make yourself seem “hard to get,” and thus make her start to pursue you.   * Approaches that put her on the spot, not you.   * How to “calibrate” your approach for the environment you are in. This is critical! If you use the “right” approach in the “wrong” environment, you WILL fail. You’ll discover how to “calibrate” yourself for success.   * How to change mood and intensity seductively in an approach. Most men are afraid to change the mood and intensity, but doing so is irresistable to women. You’ll have this easy tool in your toolbox after watching these DVDs.   * The three “dirt simple” approaches to memorize that you can use on any woman, that start moving you up the 3-2-1 Pyramid, into the “sustaining phase” of the seduction.And a lot more.Get Women To Pursue You Through The “Bad Boy” Way of Sustaining the InteractionAfter you’ve approached a woman, you need to be able to sustain that interaction in a “bad boy” seductive way.In this section, you’ll learn how to have “sustaining conversations” with women so that the talk get her to think about having sex with you, rather than just being wasting your time flappin’ your gums.You’ll find out:   * How to have “sustaining” conversations with women,   * The “2 things” rule that tells you when to go from one “Seduction Level” to the next,   * The five things all women love to talk about (they aren’t what you think!),   * How to have proper TIMING with what you talk about,   * How to know how much to talk about a topic, and exactly how to change topics,   * How to know when to stop talking about a topic,   * How to know when to push harder on a topic– even to the point of upsetting her!– to move the “bad boy” seduction along much faster.    *How to handle “Conversational Clusters” with women. If you get confused in conversations with women, or don’t know what to do, it’s because you haven’t understood how conversations “cluster” around topics. Once you understand and start using this simple technique, you’ll find that you become much more interesting, mysterious and intriguing to women.


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