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Mike Kemski – BANABU

Mike Kemski – Banabu
[6 eBooks – PDF, 18 MP3s]


Dear Friend,    I call it BANABU.  (Ban * A * Boo).    It stands for “Building A New And Better Universe” and its 11 simple, easy to understand and use, yet very profound principles. And it is starting a world-wide phenomenon of people who are highly successful in every area of their life.    Before I show you what these 11 principles are and how to put them into use for yourself starting today, you are probably wondering “who is Mike Kemski and why should I pay attention to him?”What The 11 Principles Did For Me…   I am not going to overwhelm you with all the dramatic details of where I came from because this is a story of possibilities – what is possible in you, me, everyone of us to have the life you want and dream of having.    However, to understand my passion for these 11 Principles let me give you a brief look at the amazing transformation they provided me.Became addicted to drugs and alcohol at a very young age but after several years went to rehab. Was the only person out of over 100 people to stay sober and became a drug and alcohol counselor for troubled youth and went to junior high schools talking about success and substance abuse.  Overcame many negative attitudes about myself, women and love allowing me to marry an incredible woman, we became best friends and have been deeply in love and happily married (what all our friends call a “dream marriage”) for 9 years and created a wonderful family with 2 awesome kids.  This high school dropout went to college, earned a 4.0 GPA, and was honored in the National Deans List. An honor that only ½ of 1 percent of ALL college students ever receive.  Excelled at my chosen career and rose to the top in less than 2 years (when I was told it would take at least 5 years, if it was even possible because nobody had done it before).  Lost 50 pounds in 3 months (and loved every second doing it). And have been the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life.  Became financially successful despite growing up in complete poverty.  Started teaching workshops based on the 11 Principles and living my mission in life every single day.  Created BANABU and set forth the momentum of building a world-wide community of like minded people who support and pass on their experience, success, and stories.    These 11 Principles allowed me to go from less than nothing in life to creating unbelievable relationships with friends, business associates, my wife, and my kids.    Plus having outstanding physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health, and a successful business living my mission and purpose creating a world-wide movement of success and greatness.    It created an Ultimate Life!Do they work for other people?    Over the past several years, one profound fact has became very clear. Every person who had any success at all in life used one or more of these 11 Principles. They actually use all of them at different times.    And because of the results I have seen in my and others lives, my mission is creating a world-wide community of people using the 11 Principles and passing their knowledge and experience of them to each other.    The first step was a workshop teaching people about these 11 Principles and how to apply them to every area in your life.    The results each of the attendees walked away with were nothing short of amazing. These 11 Principles were making an immediate, positive difference for people.    However only a small number of people were benefiting from those workshops. It was time to take this message to the world and the 11 Principles Multimedia Course was created. To give you access to this information from the comfort of your home.The Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich Factor…You know how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, right?    Its easy to you, you probably never even have to think about doing it. Making one is “part of who you are”.    You maybe even dream about everything you want to do being as easy to do as making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Wouldn’t that be the easy life!    What about somebody who has never heard about a PB&J sandwich. If you asked them to make one they would stare at you with that lost look in their eyes.    But if you showed them how… you take 2 slices of bread, spread peanut butter on a slice of bread, spread jelly on the other slice of bread and them put them together and you have a PB&J sandwich. Mmmmm good!    They got it now! And very quickly the ability to make another PB&J will be a part of “who thy are.”    These 11 Principles are a part of “who I am”. And, just like making a PB&J sandwich, with this course you can quickly learn how to use these 11 Principles so you too can start living the life you want and dream of having.    You can call it the “PB&J Guarantee”…    If you can make a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich than you can see instant (even dramatic) positive results from the “11 Principles” course.What ARE These 11 PRINCIPLES?    You want to know a secret?    Even if the only thing you ever do is apply the following 5 items to your life, the time you spent reading this letter will produce amazing results for you.    Imagine if you approach everything you come across in your life (your business, your job, your relationships, your health) using these 5 items.    As you will discover when you go through the “11 Principles” course, every single principle has the following attributes…Fun — If you are given a choice, with everything else being equal, you would always choose the fun and exciting option over the boring option. Right?This “11 Principles” course is no different. It is purposely designed to be fun and exciting to go through, learn and use it in your life.  Simple — That’s because simple is the thing that works the best. I’m sure you are sick and tired of complicated, elaborate, mumbo-jumbo courses that leave you flustered and more confused than when you started. You may even be feeling sick right now just thinking about those other kind of courses.Any principle in life is a principle because it is simple. For example gravity. That is simple, you understand it, you know how to use it in your life. That’s a principle.These 11 Principles are no different, by their very nature they HAVE to be simple or else they are not principles.  Fast, Immediate Results — When you invest in this course, or in anything, you are doing so because you want results sooner rather than later.Today instead of tomorrow. This minute instead of next year. Now instead of never.However, you have to be open to fast results. This sounds crazy, but if you believe in the saying “anything worth having is worth waiting for” than you are going to live a life waiting. Yuck!!Instead, believe “anything worth having is worth having right now”. Let’s start getting results right now – fast, immediate – with these 11 Principles.  Real Life — I’m not some Ph’d sitting in an ivory tower preaching how I think things should be. “Should be’s” never work, what works has to be based on the real world, the way things really are.Somebody may think you should be able to put on a cape and fly like superman to get from Los Angeles to New York. But the principle of gravity says that is not true; the real world says buy a plane ticket instead and then fly on the plane to New York.Obviously the principles from the real world always work better (or else they would not be principles) than the “should be’s” some people try to get you to believe. Each of the 11 Principles you are going to learn only come from the real world and give you real results. They are based on the way things are and how to use them to get what you want.  Realistic, A Game Plan — Do you agree that information without a plan that shows you how to use it is worthless information. That means even poor information, if it at least comes with a game plan, will benefit you. So imagine what superior information, with a specific, easy to follow game plan like the 11 Principles course is worth to you…Not only do you learn each of the 11 Principles, you also see how other people like yourself have used them. And most importantly, you are given an easy to follow game plan to quickly and simply put each Principle into use for yourself. What Can I Do With These 11 Principles?    These 11 Principles have been proven, through real life experience, to have immediate, even dramatic, positive impact in people’s lives.    Let’s see what these 11 Principles can do for you when you get the multimedia course today.Dramatically Better Results In Your BUSINESS — Would you like to pursue that entrepreneurial dream you have always had? What about taking your current business to the next level? (Or even several levels above that!)Using these 11 Principles will cut away all the clutter and confusion holding you back from creating that dream business. And will significantly amplify the results you are already getting from your current business.  Dramatically Better Results In Your HEALTH — Would you like that fit, healthy body? To be able to walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for breath? To eliminate unhealthy habits from your life? To wear those clothes long forgotten in storage from your “sexy” years?Living a healthy life is not about diets, grueling workouts, or any of the B.S. forced down our throats by the weight loss industry. With these 11 Principles you will become the envy of your friends and family, looking the best you ever have in life and loving every second making it happen.  Dramatically Better Results In Your JOB — Would you like to love what you do, looking forward to your job? Feel fulfilled and passionate every day? Make more money, get the promotions and raises, receive admiration and respect from your colleagues? You deserve to have a job/profession that leaves you fulfilled. With these 11 Principles you can make that happen — sooner rather than later. Now instead of never.  Dramatically Better Results In Your Relationships — Would you like to have friends that lift you up, inspire you, support you and have close connections with? A marriage that causes everybody who meets you to ask “how do you have such a great marriage?” Or to break from shyness or self-esteem issues that have been causing you to live a lonely life? Or to have successful business contacts seeking you out, throwing money into your lap?Relationships are the foundation of happiness in every single area of life. From love to friendship to co-workers to business. Using the 11 Principles you can have amazing relationships overfilling your life.    As you know, these 11 Principles work in every part of your life. What area(s) of your life are you going to apply these 11 Principles to?What Am I Getting In The “11 Principles” Multimedia Course?    The foundation of the entire multimedia course is the Master Manual.It is called:”The 11 Simple Principles To Living Your Ultimate Life Starting Today.”    You will receive the Master Manual instantly as an ebook. (Remember fast, immediate results).    This is where you will start. Go through the entire ebook before doing anything else.    After you finish reading it, one or more of the 11 Principles will “stick with you”. These are the ones you will want to focus on first. (Hint: Usually your list contains a combination of at least one or all of the first three principles.)Here is just a small sample of what you will get out of the Master Manual…Learn how to get an instant shot of “feel good” juice. (And yes it is 100% legal!) [See Page 34]  Everyone wants to be “In the Zone” Right? NOT this zone! Being in this zone there is no way you can win! [See Page 41]  What makes a thin piece of kite string so strong even an Elephant can’t break it?  [See Page 54]  How did I get $50,000.00 in three days when I made less than that a year? [See [See Page 67]  What’s the magic recipe? 2 cups of this, a pinch of that, and a dash of this and Viola! anything you want! [See Page 78]  What is your favorite word? Are you sure!? [See Page 86]  This one word starts and stops ALL success. [See Page 90]  The Pot of Gold is NOT at the end of the rainbow. They lied! I am going to tell you the truth about where it is. [See Page 95]  What do homeless transients and anti depressants have to do with you? (A lot more than you think…) [See Page 99]  Did you know that “Invisible Bandits” are attacking you every day? [See Page 107]  How can an insignificant comment produce endless miracles in your life? [See Page 110]  Learn a fun yet very simple way to instantly and powerfully inject a dose of success serum into your central nervous system (no needles or doctors needed).  Discover the five most common things that are causing you to fail and learn how to replace them to ensure success.  Totally shatter any barrier in your way to the successful life you always wanted.  Learn a simple technique that ensures you lifetime results.  Learn the secrets to high speed, lifetime happiness and success.  Unleash a massive power to propel you to new heights.  Learn how to effortlessly create the life of your dreams.  Know how to instantly eliminate the powerful effects of negativity.  Learn how to discover your passions and live your purpose in life.  Discover what you are using everyday, all day long that runs you like puppet and how to regain control of the strings.  Discover the three most dangerous words you can ever speak when it comes to your success.  How to have endless energy on demand!  How to instantly turn coal into diamonds (make the “bad” in your life a “good” thing)  How to get and stay happy on demand.  Discover the hidden secret of how to constantly be “lucky”. Plus, You Will Receive These 5 Specific, Carefully Chosen BONUSES…    Just like the Master Manual is different than your “typical” course. These multimedia bonuses are different too.    Each bonus was carefully created to serve a very specific benefit to you.    I know your time is valuable and you are entrusting it with me. That’s why I am not wasting your time with “filler”.    Instead, each bonus is designed to either allow you to apply the information faster or easier which means better and quicker results.    Or to continue the process so the results you start getting will not only continue but keep getting bigger, better and more frequent.Your Five Exclusive Bonuses…BONUS #1 — The 11 Principles Interactive Workbook.  ($59 Value) Next, after going through the main ebook, open up the “11 Principles” workbook ebook and do the short exercises.These will immediately begin the process of creating those positive neural pathways in your brain allowing you to maintain life-time positive results (now and many more times in the future) from the 11 Principles course. And will also overwrite old negative, limiting, maybe even destructive neural pathways you no longer want to keep that were built up from a lifetime of programming.You will also discover your very own life’s purpose. As well as the exact limiting beliefs and thoughts that are holding you back (and just as important, how to eliminate them). BONUS #2 — The 11 Principles Audio Exercises. ($97 Value) You will have your very own “11 Principles Personal Trainer” walking you through each of the 11 Principles exercises found in your Workbook. If you are an “audio person”, download these to your computer, iPod or mp3 player and use them an unlimited number of times. BONUS #3 — The 11 Principles Fast Start Video. ($39 Value) This online video will quickly get you up-to-speed on the 11 Principles, enhancing the benefits you will receive from the entire 11 Principles course. BONUS #4 — The 11 Principles Getting Started Conference Call. ($79 Value) On this call I will personally walk you through the 11 Principles, helping you quickly see how to apply them to your life and seeing immediate results.You can go back to it as many times as you would like. It makes for a great refresher. BONUS #5 — The BANABU Boost!!  ($59.90 Value) Success in life is not something you become, it is something you continue being. For example, if you get the promotion you want at work, you don’t stop working, you continue doing what got you there as well as improving.With the monthly “BANABU Boost” LIVE coaching club you will continue to receive the insights, nourishment, inspiration and in-depth training to not only maintain your success but increase (Boost It!) exponentially. Each month I give powerful stories of an everyday person who is getting phenomenal results using the 11 Principles so you can learn directly from people who came from similar situations as you. And it will also include a printed “High Impact” notes sheet that quickly summarizes for you every key point from the interview saving you time and ensuring you don’t miss any of the big breakthroughs discussed. Plus a live Q&A session to get all of your questions answered.You don’t have to take my word that the Boost delivers the goods though, because you will receive 2 issues absolutely free. Plus you will immediately receive your monthly BANABU Boost LIVE Coaching Club access uninterrupted at the special rate of $29.95 only $19.95 a month (a $10 a month savings off the normal rate). And if for some crazy reason you no longer want to receive it, you can cancel at anytime and owe nothing more.


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