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Tim – Flawless Natural Method Notes

Flawless Natural Method – Notes.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



DVD 6 is a copy of this –>   as such is not included in this PDF (its the same thing)Short reviewI have gotten MUCH out of this dvd set, plenty of new ideas and topics, shifts in my way of thinking, and even better, i have applied a few of the techniques out in field, and gotten great results.This product is definitely worth the money to buy (placing my order soon)I tried to keep my notes as comprehensive as possible.  With the goal being you can read these notes once a week, and get the majority of the content out of the seminarIf I had to suggest a routine, to make this course more fluid, and to help you and everyone get the most out of it, try doing the followingHow to Master the MaterialStep 1 – Print out the notes Step 2 – Read the notes, and high light that which sticks out to you.Step 3 – Watch the video program from start to finish (with my notes printed out and a highlighter and pencil in hand) watch the video, highlight from my notes what resonates, and take down notes that i did not, that help you right now.Step 4 – When you are done, read the quick start guide again at the back of the notes/Step 5 – Put the audio version of the seminar on your ipod, convert it to an audiobook using or audiobook builder for the mac.Step 6 – wake up, read the quick start check list, go out and start your day.Step 7 – in the car and while you are at the gym, listen to the audio, it will get boring, but you will be memorzing it, and embdeeding it into your subconsciousstep 8 – go home, read the notes again, and of course go out.repeat as much as possible for a month, then try and review once every couple of months because ideas will slip and fall, so reacquaint yourself with the basics.The key factor is this – > you must change, you must apply the material, and you MUST go out and interact with women.Again, I have made this as a sort of reference guide, a shortcut key to the material.   when you have this document printed out  you will see the time stamps, and if you highlghted the material on your own, you can say, wait, what was that concept, and see the video timestamp, turn on the dvd, fast-forward, and understand the idea, thus ensuring your continued success, without having to blindly follow through the dvd, seeking for a certain part.  I have only timestamped that which was important to me, and most of the infeild videos. thumbnailslinks to download the imgs official forum thread –>   can save you ALOT of time.  I have also included a quick start guide (its called Misc) it is worth checking out as well.Feel free to rate this, give thanks, leave comments, and transfer ratio as you wish  


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