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Unlock Reality

[1 eBook – PDF]



Author unknown – contains some self-help concepts mixed in with a little interpretive history.I found a DOC file of this book (with images), and converted it to PDF.  NOTE: below is the BS I found about the book, it used some sort of word of mouth, or scarcity marketing.—————-Have you ever wondered about the construction of the Universe? Apparently you can now know the answers if you just “Unlock Reality”. This is the title of an underground “manuscript” which claims to explain the construction of the Universe in terms that anyone can understand, it is being quite heavily shared around the world using bookcrossing.All that is needed to change the world is for people to change their minds. Unlock Reality (UR) is a book everyone should read. Explaining the Construction of the Universe in simple terms that anyone can understand, it has been lovingly passed from hand to hand for years, only recently becoming available to all as an eBook. Despite Baptist’s protests succeeding in having its paper publication abandoned, Atheists and Theoretical Physics buffs spending much energy trying to discredit it, and failing, today you can get a copy of this warmly written, (ever so slightly subversive), book to read for yourself on your PC. UR proves there is more to life than meets the eye, for any open mind. It unfoldes a new direction. Some Background…In the summer of 2005, fifty copies of a little book called Unlock Reality (UR) were left on park benches in London England to be found. People walking their dogs in those parks that day probably had no idea that those books would travel the world and capture the imagination of so many. The manuscript Unlock Reality (UR) has to be one of the most unusual texts on the planet, having the potential to produce a shift in perception that could change the course of history and guarantee the survival of the human race. What started as a “Book on a Bench”  has now become an international phenomenon known as the UR-EffectIf you would like to know more about Unlock Reality (UR) a good place to start is UnlockReality.ORG


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