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Cristopher Phillip – The Body Language Project

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TheBodylanguageproject.comThe Body Language Project is the culmination of a decade of personal research including a thorough review of over 60 primary scientific research journal articles. In dating and attraction, body language forms the perfect foundation. If you are only picking up on what is being said, you are missing more than half of the message. It is pinnacle that you understand the subconscious as it is often much more reliable than spoken words. Don’t miss the signals, and don’t be left wondering and guessing.In his third and fourth year of his Undergraduate study at the University of Guelph for biology the author developed an interest in the hidden meaning behind the gestures of the body.  To satiate his passion, the author began to read as many articles on the subject as he could get his hands on.  These articles formed the foundation for the understanding that is body language.  However, science and research is one thing, practicality is quite another.  That is when the Body Language Project began to take root.  The research provided useful insight into body language but didn’t put the information out in a way that most people could use.  That’s when the creators of the Body Language Project set out to capture the essence of body language and illustrate it.  With cameras in hand, the postures and positions were outlined in a fashion that anyone could understand.  The photographs aren’t simply added as dressing either, they are broken down gesture by gesture and illustrate nearly every conceivable form of body language and their meaning.  This makes it very easy for the reader to identify these positions as they happen in real life.  Anyone into the dating scene knows how hard it is to read women.  After reading through the book and studying the photographs, it won’t be a mystery any longer.  Without these key bits of information, there can not be a well rounded understanding of dating.  The book illustrates over 80 single items of body language such as when a woman likes and dislikes an approach, when a woman is ready to kiss, when a woman is trying to block you out, when she is bored or aroused, and practically every other gesture a woman or man might impart.  Also covered extensively are tips to bring her closer, entering her intimate space and ways that a man can display status and act so as to arouse.  This guide is perfect for both men and women interested in not only learning more about each other but also in attracting one another.  Body language allows people to use subtle hints to convey interest or disinterest instead of having to resort to overt and possibly embarrassing tactics.  The Body Language Project is a nice compliment and more importantly is a nice foundation to other systems such as those offered by the general pick-up artist community.  When a student of body language gets their first dose of knowledge it is very exhilarating.  It opens up a whole new world, one that was always there, but otherwise deeply buried in the subconscious.  With a thorough understanding of body language, one can read people from a distance without needing to hear the words they speak.  Suddenly, the language of the body becomes more transparent and obvious, and those that understand it are given a huge advantage over the rest.The Body Language Project, is quite likely the best and most extensively illustrated guide of its kind.  It will turn even the most awkward student of body language into an expert


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