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Dennis Waitley – Psychology of Winning

Dennis Waitley – Psychology of Winning
[6 MP3s]


About The Psychology of Winning   Imagine there are five seconds left to play, your team is down by one point and the ball is in your hands. Thousands of people are cheering. It’s your chance to win. It’s a moment you’ve worked for all your life. Imagine the feeling. Is it too much pressure? Or is it tremendous excitement? Whether you realize it or not, you are in the game! And winning is only an attitude away. Pressure or excitement, the choice is yours.The moment you’ve been working for all your life may happen today … that unfinished report on your desk could be the best project ever … you could inspire your customers to make unprecedented new orders … your employees could set new performance standards under your leadership … or you could have the best moment of your life with your family or friends.The outcome of the game is on your shoulders. So ask yourself:-Is my career a runaway success?-Am I a champion to my family?-Am I excited to get up every morning and start another day in my own shoes?Winners can honestly answer each question “yes.”Being a winner is an attitude, a way of life, a self-concept. It’s a heads-up, full-speed-ahead way of living and being. It’s wanting the ball at crunch time because you believe in yourself. It’s an expectation of success that you can master with your personal coach, Denis Waitley. The Psychology of Winning is not a Pollyanna, “you can do it” motivational lecture. It’s a tough, no-nonsense approach based on years of documented scientific research. The techniques it will teach you all add up to one thing – making you a “winner in life.” The Psychology of Winning is already one of the most acclaimed and popular audio programs of all time. And based on the thousands of personal “thankyou” letters Denis has received from around the world, we know it has made a profound difference in the lives of those who have applied it.In The Psychology of Winning, you’ll learn how to:-Make a habit of the Ten Steps to Winning taken by all Olympic champions, top sales stars, and top executives.-Focus your dominant thoughts on leading you inevitably to victories in all your challenges.-Create a new optimistic way of life.-Understand and control the fundamental key to all human behavior.-Boost your “winning average” with positive self-expectancy.-Develop optimal self-esteem in your employees, your children, and yourself.-Harmonize the Three Zones of Growth to keep yourself in the winner’s circle.Nothing can stop you once you’ve mastered the material in this program. All the other victories you want to experience in life will flow from the change in mindset that makes you a winner. Don’t lose another moment. Discover The Psychology of Winning.  


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