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Art Bell – CoasttoCoast: Interview w Brian Weiss 15.03.2002

[1 mp3]



Art Bell interviews Dr Brian Weiss on Coast to Coast AM Radio, 15.03.2002.Duration: 1:50:33File Format: Mp3, 56kbps, 24KHz, StereoDr Brian Weiss is a psychiatrist who lives and practices in Miami, Florida.He is a graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, and is former Chairman of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Centre in Miami.Dr. Weiss specialises in Past Life Regression, having been at first a skeptic. His book Many Lives, Many Masters is recommended by Gerry Kein.From Publishers Weekly:”In 1980, Weiss, head of the psychiatry department at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, began treating Catherine, a 27-year-old woman plagued by anxiety, depression and phobias. When Weiss turned to hypnosis to help Catherine remember repressed childhood traumas, what emerged were the patient’s descriptions of a dozen or so of her hitherto unknown 86 past lives, as well as philosophical messages channeled from “Master Spirits.” Catherine’s anxieties and phobias soon disappeared, says Weiss, and she was able to end therapy. The previously nonspiritual, scientific Weiss, awed by Catherine’s and the masters’ revelations, has written this book to share his new-found knowledge about “immortality and the true meaning of life.” This may interest some of those interested in hypnotherapy or past life regression.Original Source:


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