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Kaiden Fox – The Satanic Warlock – NLP And The Science Of Seduction

Kaiden Fox – The Satanic Warlock – NLP And The Science Of Seduction.pdf
[eBook -PDF]



INTRODUCTIONAnton LaVey was more then a Lion Tamer. While he undoubtedly picked up a number of tricks for dealing with the Human Animal from his experience with the majestic cats, his skills in Lesser Magic come from his experiences as a photographer, and as a hypnotist. A photo-essay in the “Command to Look” would be too large for a Word document, and I know nothing about cats. What I do know is Hypnosis. I originally wrote this paper for my Psychology class. It quickly grew beyond that, as can be seen by the page count (four to five times what it should have been).This is a quick and dirty guidebook to how to manipulate people. It is in no means complete. To give full credit where credit is due, I recommend anyone seriously interested in the subject visit the web sites listed in the bibliography, especially we start, I must give the Satanic Caveat. The information and techniques listed below assume the existence of an unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is a reality, but not everyone has one. Even the founder of NLP, Richard Bandler, warns about this. People with no unconscious mind never have disassociated memories, have no self-image (in Buddhist terms, no “ego.”), and if they are influenced by process language, it is by choice. This is because there is no chasm in them between “think” and “feel.” The core technique of my brand of lesser magic, as outlined below, is to capture and lead the imagination and thereby indirectly influence emotions on a level undetectable to the listener. This only works when what you’re thinking and what you’re feeling are different. Like stage magic, misdirection is the key.


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