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Ernest Wood – Concentration

Ernest Wood – Concentration.pdf



THIS book has been through a great many editions in various languages — so many that I have long lost track of them — and must have had a total circulation of over a quarter of a million in many countries. In view of public demand for the work I have revised it for this ninth Indian edition, which I hope will be copied in other countries. I have seen no reason to alter materially either the exercises or the philosophy it contains, but I have I think described and explained them better than before.  The book is intended as a practical manual, and the student who takes it seriously as such will derive most benefit from it if he treats it as a six months’ course rather than as a reading book. At the end of the course the earnest student will find that he knows exactly what to do next. All the same, others who wish to treat it only as a general help to their meditations will find benefit from reading it through, and picking out for their use whatever appeals especially to themselves. Many hard-headed people may think that my convictions as to the possibilities which we may attain in the near or remote future by internal self-culture are excessively extravagant; but I can assure them that they are perfectly in accordance with the practical [Page Vlll ] mysticism of both East and West, and are consistent with the actual experience and attainment of a number of experts whom I have had the honour to meet and know.Ernest Wood 1949


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